I stop when I hear footsteps.
All of them barge into the room.

Including my dad.

"You finally came." He grins wide. His evil smile, I can practically see foam running down his mouth. It disgusts me.

I draw out energy from my hand.

"Aw, how cute." He laughs.

I'll show him cute.

I shove my hand out, knocking out a lot of agents.
That's when hell broke loose.
Everyone is coming at me at once. My small square of a bedroom filled with fifty different agents crawling all over me.
I concentrate on all of them, using my pain infliction.
They all back away screaming.
"AGH!" my concentration fell, and I feel a needle stabbed into my neck.

The last thing I saw was my fathers hideous face staring down at me.

3rd person (at the avengers)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE" Tony yelled hysterically.
"I mean she teleported out of my room, to who knows where and said "bye Peter"." Peter was also pacing around the room.

Mj and Ned so happened to be there too.

Peter told them, and Mj and Ned didn't take no for an answer, and demanded to be there with him.

"Where could she possibly have gone!" Steve says sitting down, his elbows resting on his knees.

" Do either of you know where she is?" Nat says, coming straight forward to Mj and Ned.


Ned nudges her "Mj!"

" I don't care, I'm brutally honest even if it hurts other people's feelings" She waves her arms up.

"Prince is still in her room, along with all of her stuff, no note, no suit and no backpack " Wanda says coming down from the stairs.

"So she's going somewhere," Rhodes says.

"No shit sherlock!" Mj mutters

Ned hits her again.

Peter was sitting down, his mind racing.

"We don't know where, we have no lead." Bucky groans frustrated.

"Were screwed," Sam says, and everyone shot him a glare.

" Wouldn't that wizard know where she is?" Thor says thinking.
Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Somebody call hi-"

"I already did," Clint and Nat say.

"What happened?" Doctor strange comes into the room.

Peter jumped but put the pieces together remembering that he can teleport too.

"y/n left."

"What do you mean she left"

"Its means, we don't know where she is, we have no lead !" Mj groans.

Doctor Strange thinks of every possibility. Searching for any patterns. Then his mind flashes to Vicky.
She did the same thing.
"She's in hydra."

Everyone looked serious now.

"You mean with hydra?" Tony esclaims. "Why the hell would she go there!"

" I'm not sure, but it's exactly what her friend did when she was...alive."

Peter gets up.

"Then we go after her."

The Assassins Curse Peterparker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now