It will give you good socializing skills.

Start from the beginning

I thanked them and shuffled my way to the kitchen.
Everyone kept bumping into me. It was hard shoving past them without actually hurting them.

"MJ!" I scream at her.

She was eating a bagel, looking bored beyond belief.

Noticing me she walked over.
"Do you know how much I regret coming here." She complains to me, biting down on her bagel.

" I don't even know why I came here!"
I continued to rant to her for like five minutes straight but I stopped when she wasn't even paying attention.
"MJ!" I yell at her.
No reply.
She was scrolling down on her phone with a worried look.
"Mj what are you looking at."
She gives me the phone and I stare at the screen before my eyes widen.
There's a shooting at a nearby bank.
"Do you have it?" Mj asks me with a very serious tone.
"Of course" I show her the suit underneath my clothes.
"I'll cover for you. Go" She tells me walking off.

I ran past everyone heading to the front door.
I threw my clothes in a random bush and threw on my mask.
This was my first time using the suit.
It fit me well and was so comfortable.
I somehow was able to run faster and it made it easier to move around in.
I double checked the wear and headed straight there.
"Need a lift!?" I heard someone yell above me.
I looked up, still running.
Of course it was him.
Spiderman swinging away at my pace.
I flipped him off before I came to a halt, waved my hands forward and walked into the circular orange sparks. Instantly at the crime scene.

"My kids are in there!"
Mass chaos was everywhere.
It was a school.
A school shooting.
No one noticed me when I pounced on top of a building roof.
Looking for any sign of an entrance I found a door cracked open.
I ran to the door going inside.

3rd person.

y/n carefully walked through the empty halls.
She heard faint screams and cries of pain.
They were being forced to keep quiet,
y/n walked faster now, hiding in the dark so she wasn't seen.
Then a sudden shot came out.
y/n ran to it.
She broke down the doors into the elementary school cafeteria.
There she saw red shot faced kids from crying. Tied up kids and teens.
Along with the Teachers who lost their shit and were panicked,
Once they saw her they whined more, even more afraid, worried that she was going to hurt them.
Bodys came running out of the room with guns.
There were at least fifteen guys with guns, all dressed up in black attire.
Everyone screamed.

"SHUT UP!!" one of them yelled and shot his gun up to the ceiling, breaking the glass that fell on top of the children's heads.

y/n lunged at the guy knocking him down on his back.

Using her pain infliction she managed to get five men on their knees crying out.
Trying her best not to get the kids hurt she just focused on the men she was fighting.
y/n knocked the guy she was pinning unconscious.

Keeping focus on the five men she had down still she ran to one who held a gun pointed at the kids.
"COME ANY CLOSER AND THIS ONE DIES" he shoves the gun on the little girl's temple.
Drawing energy out she forced the gun out of the man's hand. The gun flew across the room.
"AGH!" y/n yelled. One of the men grabbed her in a choke hold.

Now her focus on the five men were gone and they were stumbling to get back together.
It wouldn't be long until they were stable again.

"Dont know you know you shouldn't hit girls?" A voice yells from behind them.
Then like that Peter webbed the man that was choking y/n, to the wall.
Peter aka Spiderman stood beside y/n.

"Get the men I got the kids!" y/n yelled at him.

"On it!" he yelled back and swung himself forward now fighting three guys.

y/n turned back to all the kids huddled around.
There were at least fifty here.
"Everyone gather around, I need you to hold each other's hands please!" She instructed the kids.
Peter was having a bit of a difficult time.
One of them came up from behind y/n, but she was quick too. She swung her legs around the man's shoulders, grabbing his neck with her hands. She pushed a pressure point in his neck making his fall down.
"Everyone come together now!" She instructed getting a little worried at the men coming.
It was much harder now since she couldn't kill the guys and ditch the kids.
Now she has to make sure she doesnt kill the guys and save the kids.
All of them followed her instructions and y/n closed her eyes.
Moving both of her hands forwards in circular motions, thinking about outside of the school.
Only this time she made the portal five times bigger than she normally does.
Her knees buckled and sweat dripped down her nose, wait what?
It was blood.
The portals opened up.
"OUT NOW!" she yelled at them.
All of them rushed through the portal so fast it practically became a stampede.
Once everyone was out she fell down.
She layed on her back rocking her head side to side, looking at all the men who were sticking to the walls that Peter did.
She counted all the men.
5 men tuck to one side. 5 men stuck to another wall. And four men on the ceiling.
"DON'T MAKE ANY OTHER STEP!" the man yells.
y/n got herself up.
She was about the fall but Peter caught her.
Even though the man couldn't see neither y/n and Peter's face. He knew that they both were scowling at him.
y/n noticed the same little girl who was held at gunpoint earlier.
She thought everyone went through. SHIT.
Her hair was ginger and her cheeks were freckled. But her eyes were stained red with tears.
y/n growled at the man who was threatening them.
" STEP BACK!" the man yelled at y/n and Peter.
With only one idea left.
y/n put her hand behind her back and swirled her hand making a portal enough for her hand to go through.
Peter noticed the strange orange sparks curling around behind the man.
What was even stranger was when a hand popped out and took the man's gun.
y/n got the gun. She drew it behind her back showing the man that they've won.
"H-how!-wh-what?. Who are-WHAT!" the man was beyond words. Even the little girl was speechless.
y/n smiled.
Peter took that opportunity to web the man up and stick him to the wall just as he did to all the others,.

As soon as Peter did that y/n ran up to the little girl who was shaking.

"Hey, hey it's ok. You're ok now." y/n cooed to the ginger haired girl.

"I'm scared." she whispered into y/ns ear.

"Don't be. It's all over now."

The girl's lower lip trembled. Her hands clutched onto y/ns arms.

y/n doesn't like kids or any contact, but she knew that the girl was scared so she picked her up. She couldn't have been more than seven.

"Lets go get you to your parents." y/n said to her.

y/n's pov

The little girl trembled in my arms making me more nervous.
My arms shook from the amount of power I used.
Normally I would be fine, but the amount I used in such a short amount of time got me shook up.

I held the girl close as I walked out of the building. I saw many parents and children still crying. But it was only because they were scared and are happy that they are now reunited.
But one family was sobbing horribly. Officers were surrounded all over the place.
The woman and man arguing with the officer had the same ginger color hair as the girl.
"Momma!" the girl yelled.
Both the woman and man whirled their heads around when they heard the little girl's voice.
y/n let the girl down and saw as she ran into her parents arms.
"Who's she?"
"Is she the one that did that?"
"Get her!"
"She helped"
"She saved them."
It was all overwhelming. The officers came forward to her.
"We fixed the problem, keep them safe, the men are in the cafeteria" She told the police men before they could ask her any questions.
"We?" one of them was confused.

"The one and only spiderman" a voice says coming into view, jumping beside her.

"It's spiderman!."
"He saved them!'
"Who's the girl!"

"Look you guys aren't-" The officers started but Peter cut them off.

"We'd love to talk but it looks like you guys have your hands full."
With that Peter put his hand around y/ns waist and without warning swung both of them away.

The Assassins Curse Peterparker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now