chapter three

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later on

♡Angel Montero ♡

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Angel Montero

"And we don't want no problems
Okay, you're a goon, what's a goon to a goblin?
Yeah, and Kane on the beat
I fuck around and leave a nigga's brains on the street,"

My body started to wake up again as i heard a song playing very loudly in the location i was in. I knew that song, it was by Lil Wayne and it was me and Mariama's 8th grade anthem.

My eyes parted open and this time I noticed i was somewhere completely different. I was in a bed actually, in a very large bed. In a master sized bedroom that looked absolutely beautiful...

I stood up in the bed and noticed my arms and legs weren't tied anymore

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I stood up in the bed and noticed my arms and legs weren't tied anymore. But i still felt pain around my wrist and ankles. I smelled food being cooked from another room and heard Michael singing the lyrics to the song.

"I have to get the fuck outta here" i said to myself while jumping out of the bed. I looked around the room to try and find a nearby phone. I started rummaging through random drawers and found nothing, nothing but sexy lingerie's and night gowns. In fact all of the clothes i was coming across were all women's clothes. Really expensive brands too.

Am i in a girls bed room right now? Where the hell even am i? I dont even think im in the united states anymore—

That's it i had to get outta here ASAP. I tip toed to the door and peaked my head out of it very slowly. Not sure if i was gonna fucking get it shot off or not if anyone found me. I got on my knee's and crawled around the hallway until i reached the indoor balcony.

I peeped my head down and looked at the first floor. Damn, i was in a fucking MANSION. It was literally huge down there. Whoever owns this house is a literal millionaire.

Regardless, i needed to get back home to safety. I started to slowly tip toe down the stairs. I could still smell whatever was being cooked and the sound from the music was getting closer.

I got to the middle of the stairwell when i heard foot steps walking from another room.

"Yea bro we can play gta later on if you're not busy or nun" I heard Jahseh's voice on the phone.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞//𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐝Where stories live. Discover now