6.Reunited and Thoughts

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Zuko and my brother were back.And they were not alone.We had seen them coming out from a strange firenation flying machine that was not Zuko's airballon.

Without hesitation we approached them and we asked them - I mean Topb asked them - wheather they had found any meat.

Sokka's answer confused me completelly."The best meat of all.The one of friendship and fatherhood." I looked at him in suspicion and then I saw Suki coming from the machine.

I wanted to cry!
All this timeI thought Suki was imprisoned or worse...Dead!
And now she was alright!Right in front of my eyes!

After her,a muscled man with a beard who looked like a criminal appeared and greeded us all."Hi!I 'm new here!" he said and left.

And them my heart stopped.
My eyes became watery and I started running towards the person who had just appeared by the door.
It was him!He was alive !
My father was safe nad with me!

"Dad?"I asked-screaned in disbelief before hugging him.It was not a dream.It was real...

Sokka had found our father and Zuko had helped him.I couldn't believe it.I had Suki and my father by my side only because of Zuko!

And I realized that when Sokka told us later about their adventure in the Boiling Rock,the most dangerous and high-secured prison of the entire FireNation.

He seemed to have changed but it doesn't matter right now.I'm not ready to forgive him anyway .

3rd Person's POV
(mostly about Zuko's feelings)

Zuko was staring at the happy family with both happiness and envie.

His father was a monster.His sister was a crazy bitch and his mother...Well,he actually had no idea were his mother was.Dead or Alive she was lost.

And he was alone!
The Gaang had become his family new family.The ones who he thought were his enemies,were actually his only friends.And he would protect them with his life.

Sokka was like the brother he never had and always wanted.Strong and born to be a leader!

Toph was the bravest person he had ever met.Despite the fact she was blind ,she was the post powerful earthbender in the world.She was not weak and he admired her for that.

Aang was always the hilarious one.Being just a child and the Avatar at the same time wasn't easy...

And then it was her...
The most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his entire life.
Soft and friendly smile.
Long and wavy dark brown hair.
Mesmerizing ocean blue eyes.
She was breathtakingly beautiful!

And she was kind and caring !!
And his heart was moving faster wverytime she was around.Even when she was insulting him ,he couldn't help but think she is even more beautiful when she is angry.Especially with him...

He loved her but she hated him and she had all the reasons to fo so.
Back to Katara

From the corner of my eyes I saw him staring at me.

My heart was beating faster whenever he was around.

Maybe because of my anger and hate...Maybe not...


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