Since from the Start 5

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Once they reach where they're gonna eat Y/n look up "Ramen?" She said "Yeah this is where I eat. Sometimes they have the best spicy ramen here" Bakugo said when they entered the shop. "Welcome- Oh Bakugou-kun!" The girl on the counter said, "Yeah Can I get two spicy ramen, one mild and you know what I will have" Bakugo said, not looking at the girl "Sure! And who's she?" The girl said looking at Y/n, Bakugo looked at Y/n and said "A friend".

"Just get our order" Bakugo said, Y/n figured that Bakugo is a regular here, Y/n waved goodbye to the girl and followed Bakugou.

They sat on the corner sitting next to each other and waited for their food "Hey it's not so spicy right??" Y/n asked "Huh I guess not." Bakugo said "Here's the Ramen" . A guy serves it with a smile on his face. "Thank you" Y/n said "And uh Can I get a Milk??" Y/n said "Yeah sure" the guy said "Why milk??" Bakugo asked "Just in case" Y/n said , and the guy came back with one box of milk and a Glass "Thank you" Y/n said. Bakugo then proceeded to eat his 3x spicy ramen, Y/n stared at Bakugo "Are you gonna eat or nah?" Bakugo said looking through his phone "Huh?, Oh yeah I'll eat" Y/n said then shove the ramen to her mouth then she stopped. "Oi Why did you stop?" Bakugo said looking at her "Aaaaah!!" Y/n scream quietly as possible as the spice began to hit, she panicked and looked to the milk, and poured some in the glass, then drinks it, Bakugo looked surprise and holding his laugh, then Y/n put the glass down and stop for a second but again the spice kicked in " spicy!!" She said then opened the lid of the milk then chugged it "Woah!" The guy who serves the food said as he saw Y/n chugs the Box

"Woah easy.." Bakugo said with surprise face as he watched Y/n chugging the milk bottoms up. "Ahh that hits the spot!" She said, "Excuse me!" Y/n said as she saw the guy "Can I get another box of milk???" She asked "Yes ma'am" the guy said and got the milk. "Uhh are you okay??" Bakugo asked, "Yeah, why are you worried about me?" Y/n teased "Huh! What are you saying? I'm not worried, and if you're not gonna eat the ramen I'll eat it! You weak idiot" Bakugo said "Hey this is mine and I'll finish it just you watch, and I'm not weak!" Y/n said and the milk arrived.

She Thank the guy and she begun to eat the ramen. In every one bite she drinks the milk again and again, Bakugo just watched her and at the Moment Bakugo notice she's eating it without a problem, He smiled and continue to eat his Ramen. After some time they both finished "That's a Good one" Y/n said smiling "Yeah" Bakugo said hiding his smile, Y/n checked her phone "Oh my God!" She said looking at the time "What??" Bakugo asked "I'm gonna miss the bus!" Y/n said then stands up "Hey wait, where are you going?" Bakugo caught her hand "I have something to buy and I'm gonna miss the bus" Y/n explained "Check the next bus" Bakugo said "It's coming in 45 min, Why?" She asked "Wait for me I'm just gonna pay then we'll take the next bus. . ." Bakugo said and went to the cashier then paid "We?" Y/n asked "I'm going with you I might have something to buy too" Bakugo said and they went out after paying. Then they walk to the bus stop.

As they reached the bus stop they sat down and waited  for the bus to arrive. They got down and entered the mall "Mall?" Bakugo asked, "Yeah, why?" Y/n said "They opened last week and I just forgot to go here." Y/n explained "*Sigh* Let's just go in '' Bakugo said following Y/n behind. And so they went store to store. Y/n brought some supplies like notebooks, pens, and pencils. "Why'd you bring notebooks? We only got like 3-4 months of school left" Bakugo said "It's not for me. . . " Y/n said and picked up a lot of crayons "Then who's this for?" Bakugo asked, Y/n stopped, there's still some things she hasn't told yet ". . . To the Orphan kids back in my hometown. . .'' Y/n said "But Why would you buy them this?" Bakugo asked curiously and then Y/n paid and headed out the store "Well. . . I grew up in foster care." Y/n said "H-Huh?" Bakugo said sadly shock.


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