"Wait really?" I looked alternately at Ricardo and Dario.

"Yeah" They both said at the same time.

I jumped up and gave them a hug, this means a lot to me. I've never known anyone willing to pay anything for me outside of Belle. But they probably have enough money anyway, it means nothing to them. But for me it does.

I have to ask Lana and Belle, I'm planning to go clubbing anyway and I can't do that with the boys, they're not going to dance.

I think?

I'll ask the girls when I get home.

I set Belle and Lana together. And of course they didn't know that, but they are grateful to me because they like each other, which is a great relief for me.

Belle hardly likes anyone. She doesn't like Ricardo and Dario for any sacred reason, she hasn't even talked to them yet. She just decided she doesn't like them. Lana doesn't really have an opinion about them so that doesn't bother me.


Belle: "Why did I have to come to this particular bench?"

Lana: "Where are you?"

Lana: "Are you fucking kidding me Lina"

Belle: "Are you fucking joking with me Lina"

They say almost the exact same thing,


2 Missed calls Belle

1 Missed call Lana

I continued watching my film and pulled the blanket over me.

End of flashback

"Please Belle?"

"I really want you to come with me".

"Are the boys coming too?"

"Yes... But they will be paying for me."

She sighed "Come on Belle, you can easily afford it."

"Fine fine, I'll come with you."

"Can you ask Lana?" If she asks Lana then I don't have to. That would be much easier, less work for me.


"Remember that I told you that you owned me something?"

"Fine" She hung up and I look at my screen,

Jeez not even a "Bye Lina!" or "Love you Lina!" Not that she would otherwise, I shrugged.


I promised the boys yesterday that I was going to help them cook today, I don't know what got into me.

I stirred the pot of sauce before putting the spoon down.

"I want to learn the Bachata." I said randomly.

"I can teach you" I turned to Dario sitting on the counter.

"It's danced in 4/4 time, on count one you step aside" He held my hands as he showed it to me and I imitated him.

"On count two you join your other foot" He placed his foot with his other,

"On count three you take another step to the side" I imitated him.

"And on count four rejoin with the other foot ending in a tap" He nodded after I did it right.

"The next four beats you just have to repeat everything but then the other way"

"Okay I get it I guess"


I nodded.

He put some music on the TV. He put his hands on my hips and I put mine around his neck. I took a step aside and connected my other foot and tapped,

"No no not yet" He showed me how to do it again,

This is harder than it looks. He put his hands on my hips again but guided me more.

I jumped up and down when I finally got it right,

"Again again" He laughed at my enthusiasm.

We did it a few times, I looked from my feet up to his head. Shit he was already looking at me. Our faces are close together, and he didn't let go of our eye contact. I haven't even noticed he has such beautiful eyes, it's a grayish color.

I don't know anyone with an eye color like that, it looks good on him. Without my noticing, our faces had come a little closer.

I can't get myself to look away, his eyes are hypnotizing me or whatever.

He looked at my lips, We can't do this right?


He came up softly and put his lips on mine, I don't think we can do this. I don't want to ruin our friendship with this kiss.

I pulled my lips away hesitantly.







"I have to stir the pot" I said softly.

Could I really come up with nothing better? Good job Catalina,

Good job.

He slowly let go of my hips and the warm touch left.

I took a few steps back to the cooking pot.

"Good news people" Ricardo entered the kitchen. I turned around and cleared my throat.

"What is it?" I asked.

Ricardo looked from my to Dario "We can go to Ibiza tomorrow" My eyes widened,

"Tomorrow already? I still have everything to pack." I looked at the clock "Then I'm going home, the sauce will be ready in 2 minutes!" I walked to the door, "Don't burn down the house!" I yelled before closing the door behind me.


Me: "We leave tomorrow"

Belle: "Okayyyy"

Lana: "I'm excited"

I smiled at my screen before throwing my phone on my bed. Let's get my shit packed for Ibiza.

I have a bad habit of always taking too many clothes with me when I go somewhere. I went to the sea once for 4 days and I had 6 sets of clothes with me. I've only worn 3 of these. And I don't learn from my mistakes, I always make them again. Like now, I'm currently sitting on my suitcase to zip it up. I put all my weight on the suitcase and with a lot of effort I close it, I pass my arm over my forehead,

I need a shower.


What is going to happen in Ibiza?

i hope y'all enjoy reading :)

Leave your opinion. Next chapter out soon,

Go and read "This is perfectly wrong" too!

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