First Kiss

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4 weeks after the first date

You watched the last play of the football game. Thomas was about to throw the ball. The last play began. But Thomas didn't throw the ball... he ran. The clock was nearly out. 


Thomas swerved past a player.


Minho tackled a player reaching for Thomas.


The cheerleading team was going crazy.


Newt, Sonya, Brenda, Chuck, and Alby sat on the edge of their seats. 


Thomas leapt over a player.


Everyone in the stands was screaming.


He was nearly there!


Thomas just managed to avoid another player.


Thomas leapt into the endzone.



Thomas made it!!! He won the state championship!!! Ben hugged Thomas and patted him on the back. Gally and Minho picked Thomas up and hoisted him down the field. Everything was going crazy. You tried to run out to hug  Thomas. You were pushed around in the huge group of football players and cheerleaders. You stumbled until you bumped into someone. You turned to see Thomas standing there. Thomas grabbed your waist and twirled you around in the air. You both laughed excitedly. He put you down and without thinking, you both gave each other a happy kiss. Immediately, everything else froze. His lips were chapped but you didn't care. His lips began to move and yours did with him. After a minute, you both pulled away, totally breathless. Your friends were cheering the two of you on, including Teresa. 


9th grade (December)

You were sitting in the middle of math class when you felt something hit your head. You turned around to notice a crumpled sticky note on the floor. You picked it up and read the small note

Meet me behind the art building after school.

You turn around to look at Minho and give him a small nod. The lecture continues and you listen intently. 

~~Time Skip~~

You stood behind the art building blowing on your fingers to keep them warm. Today was the last day before Christmas Brake. A few snowflakes drifted in the bleak, grey afternoon air. You heard the sound of feet falling and turned to see Minho rounding the corner. You smiled and hugged him. 

"I wanted to give you a present," Minho said. He pulled out a small box from behind his back. "Merry Christmas."

You smiled into his dark eyes and grabbed the small present wrapped with a delicate green bow. You untie the paper a smile at what you see: a signed copy of (your favorite book) by (book author). [If you don't like to read, pretend you do.] You smiled up at your best friend and crush. 

"Thank you," you say. You turn to your bookbag and bring out a present for him. You hand it to him excitedly. He smiles and rips into the package. Inside was a custom designed game controller. 

"Nice," Minho says and tucks it in his backpack. He then turns to you with a mischevios grin on his face. "I actually have another present for you," Minho whispers. 

You look at him confused and a bit flustered, "Huh? What do you m-"

You're cut off by soft lips attaching to yours. You are a bit taken aback but then slowly close your eyes. You bring your hand to rest on Minho's soft face. His lips move gently against yours and you can't help but smile into kiss. After about 10 seconds Minho pulled back. He stared into you e/c eyes with a smile. 

"Merry Christmas, Y/N."

"Merry Christmas, Minho."


Week before 10th grade

You were at Newt and Sonya's helping them prepare for school next week. 

"Can you believe we'll be in 10th grade?" Sonya asks. 

"I know! It feels like just yesterday we were sitting beside each other in kindergarten, passing crayons," you reminissed. 

Newt gave a small smile, "And 11 years later the two of you are still best friends."

"And you two finally got together," Sonya said. 

You and Newt blushed. Newt rubbed the back of his neck and licked his lips. You just giggled at your best friend's antics. Sonya excused herself to the bathroom, leaving you and Newt. You looked up at Newt. He was rubbing his thumb over his lip, a tell-tale sign he was upset. 

"Newt?" you asked gently scooting closer to your boyfriend. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Newt said a little to quickly. "It's nothing, love."

You frowned and shook your head. "Newtie, please. I want to help but if I'm gonna do that I need you to be honest with me." 

"Curse your stubburness," Newt chuckled. He then sighed and turned to face you, "It's just--- the other kids. I know they all mean well, but I don't want pity. And I don't want them to see me as cowardly or..." Newt let out a sad, defeated chuckle, "But then again, I guess I am a coward."

"No, Newt," you said cupping  his face. "No, you aren't. You are so brave, just... hurt. It's okay to not be okay. And I promise, no matter what happens, I'm gonna be there every step of the way."

"Promise?" Newt whispered. 

"Promise," You responded. Summoning your courage you gently pressed your lips to his. Newt was shocked for a second, then kissed you back. He put one hand on the back of your neck and one on your waist. You lazily draped your arms over Newt's shoulders. The kiss was amazingly sweet and gentle. You pulled back after a minute and continued to stare at each other. Newt rested his forehead on yours and stared at you in awe. You blushed and turned your head, overwhelmed by his affection. Newt gently turned you back to look at him. His dark brown eyes flashed to your lips and he brought you in for another cute kiss.

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