Keep Up The Pace, Yeah? Ch.36

Start from the beginning

You were-, in fact- drinking a cool drink. Was it sparkling water? No, that's disgusting. What you were drinking was chilled mountain water and eating an apple.

What could you say? It was hot out.

You waved to the moving camera as the horse-like creature jumped from stone pillar to stone pillar. The only regret you had was that you didn't think of this sooner.

The students who were right behind you had just started the stone pillar- or "The Fall," as Present Mic put it- while you were just finishing. The wind whipping through your hair was relaxing- almost satisfying.

What was more satisfying was the victory you were about to win!

That was until you blew up.


You fell on the ground, landing on another minefield.




Not even a second to collect your thoughts, you realized you were 3/4 through with the course. Quickly getting to your feet covered in soot, scratches, and dirt- you look around to see that you were standing on a minefield.

What a pleasant surprise.

Quickly getting back to the race, you dust yourself off and walk around what you assumed were bombs. It was relatively quiet for the rest of the race.

You probably could've just sped walk the last bit and still get first place.

When you walked into the stadium, it quickly filled to the brim with roars of applause.


You look up and see the dragons and Shindo cheering and waving to you frantically. Seeing his bright smile, you reflect it with a soft grin of your own.

More roses and flowers were thrown at you from your fan club.

And- unfortunately- a pair of underwear, which would- very unfortunately- not be the last time it would happen today.

Not even the second to last.

A few minutes later, students flooded into the arena.

"The first game of the first-year stage is finally over. Now take a look at the results!"

You paid no mind to the results- everyone knew you were first, so why bother? Instead, you spent the free time wisely- by waving and catering to your fan club!

People from other classes scowled at your arrogance.
But what business do you- the winner- have caring about how other lesser people feel?


That's why you continued to smile and pose at the flashing cameras.


"The top 42 made it through the next round. It's unfortunate, but don't worry, even if you didn't make it! We've prepared other chances for you to shine. The real competition begins next! The press cavalry'll be all over it! Give it your all!" Midnight introduced the next event as the crowd of students bubbled with nerves.

'Man, wish I went to the bathroom earlier...' You think while putting your weight from foot to foot carelessly.

"Cavalry Battle! Let me explain. The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but the one thing that's different is...based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value."

Students murmur, making their own sense of what Midnight had just said. Getting angry, she cracked her whip and scolded the students before explaining again,

"Yes, that's right! And the points assigned go up by five starting from the bottom. Place 42nd gets five, and 41st gets ten! And the point value assigned to first place is...ten million!"

You blink in surprise and nod in satisfaction. Yes, ten million was a worthy number for you- ten billion would've been better, but alas, this school was incompetent. Cutting them a little slack was a must.

Students turn to you either looking in fear, dismay- or like a piece of easy points. Those we're the stupid ones.

As gazes burned into your form, you hold up a thumbs up,

"Sweet. I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back."

Everyone deadpanned as you did a little stupid jog to the building. Some were thinking you were chickening out- others wondering where you get your timing skills from.

Definitely not Yang.

Though he wished you did as he sighed and shook his head. Shindo just laughed- he had a feeling you would do something like this.


Jogging back into the area with slightly damp handprints on your legs. Most everyone were already in groups as a loud buzzer went off.

"OKAY, IS EVERYONE PAIRED UP?? Oh wait- L/n came back! And lonely purple kid and sparkly blonde are missing partners. I KNOW YOU ALL CAN BE A TEAM, YEAH!! I'm so smart- whatcha think mummy man!" Present Mic shouted into the microphone.

"I think I feel bad for this team's composition," Aizawa grunted.

You look to your left and right in confusion of what was going on- when you looked back to your left, you see a pair of bright purple eyes.

"Seems you were able to join my team, Cheri!" Aoyama said while doing various poses with rose light effects.

"Hey." A voice said, walking up behind you.


You stood between the two polar opposites in total oblivion.

"Can one of you tell me...what the fuck is going on?"

Yoyoyo- remember to vote and stuff it helps this story get more attention from other readers. Anyways I wanted to draw something from this chapter but I forgot what I wanted to draw sooo •3-

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