"So it wasn't just me?" The older twin asked looking at the younger who quickly shook his head.

"Shit! Then something is definitely up. Let's hurry up." Gguk continued and now started walking fast to get his car. But little did they know that someone or something? Heard their whole conversation...

Meanwhile at Taehyungs' House...

"Aish I literally feel like I'm gonna die!!" Taehyung started complaining AGAIN. That's literally all he's been doing for the past week.

"OH for Petes sake Taehyung, I'm gonna die from hearing this phrase over and over again, my ear drums are literally frying!!" Hoseok who's been taking care of Taehyung ever since that day, has now had just about enough of the others endless complaints.

"I don't know what you want me to do, you literally refusing to go get a checkup, and you are literally not getting any better either, so don't come complain to me." Hobi continued mumbling his displeasure about Tae when he was suddenly met with a soft pillow hitting him straight on his face.

"Bullseye!!" Taehyung exclaimed throwing a victorious fist into the air.

"KIM. TAE. HYUNG!!! That's it I'm leaving I've had enough of you." Hobi exclaimed now packing up his stuff, he has been sleeping over at Taes house ever since the older fell sick.

"Nooooo~~~ pleaseeeee I'm sorry it's just... you wouldn't shut up." Taehyung quickly stood up to hug his friend giving him his best puppy eyes, he knew no one could resist them.

Hoseok quickly gave up and put his stuff back down, truth is he wasn't planning to leave anyways, he could never leave his friend sick and alone. "Ugh fine...but Tae?"

"Yes?" Tae asked looking up at Hoseok who was looking at him with amazement in his eyes.

"Didn't you say you felt like dying? You literally had the energy to throw a pillow at me and even had enough to jump me." Hobi was now full on laughing.

They were cuddling on Taehyungs bed per Taehyungs request of course. Tae looked up upon hearing the others laughter, although he is sick he felt warm and happy inside.

He's been lonely all these years without anyone to cuddle, look after him whenever he feel sick and take care of him like this, and he honestly felt so grateful to now have someone like Hoseok in his life and hearing the others laughter with his sunshine smile really did light up his small world more.

"Whatever Hobi, I'm hungry so what do you think about some noodles?" Taehyung asked because he realised he didn't have a comeback for what Hoseok said, but yes it's true that he is feeling sick. (Lmao I'm actually also having some noodles rn too)

He doesn't quite know what it is but he's been unwell, ever since the twins left he's been having this feeling which he can't exactly pinpoint so he just thought he felt sick?

He hasn't yet told Hoseok about the twins staying over and what happened between them, and he's not planning on telling the other anytime soon because he's certain he won't hear the end of it.

I hope this was okay
I'm truly sorry for this very late update I've been busy with enrolling at a college and GCSE results which I'm proud to say that I've passed all my exams
Now I'm free so frequent updates should start soon hopefully

Oh yh I'm also not sorry for short chapters it's just that whenever I read long chapters I end up getting really...tired of reading lmao. And in my case as author I can't write for long either. :))

I hope my story ain't boring tho, next chapter everything would go back to normal a bit so yh stay tuned guys

Also I've said this b4 but please do leave comments they make me smile I love seeing them ❤️

I will do face reveal soon🧑‍🦲


Let's appreciate hot Seokjin which you will be hearing more from starting next chapter hehe

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Let's appreciate hot Seokjin which you will be hearing more from starting next chapter hehe.

Take care guys.
Author loves you
I purple you.💜

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