Chap.12| Uneasy

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(Please do read my A/N at the end, thank you.)

1 week after the incident...

No ones POV:

"Gguk, it has been a week already ever since that happened and there's no sight of Tae yet. I'm getting worried." Jungkook expressed his concerns to his equally worried brother, it's been a week already and none of them have heard anything from their beloved, till this day they decided not to invade Taes privacy as they thought he needed some time out but now their patience has reached its peak.

"UGH!! I KNOW-" the older sighed and calmed his ass down once he noticed he was screaming, "-I know, I'm also worried shitless here you know." this time they both sighed because of the frustration and stress.

After what happened they decided to go to school and act as is nothing happened, expecting their Art teacher to be there but they were proved wrong as the other didn't come for a whole week.

Now it's Saturday and they are both in Kooks room trying to figure out on what they could do next.

"Aish! Fuck it. I've had enough already let's go to his house right now I don't care if he doesn't want to see us we will talk to him today one way or another." Gguk exclaimed with annoyance clear in his voice, I mean no one could blame him, anyone would be trustfrated too in his position.

"No... I don't think that's a good idea, it's best if we don't force anything at the moment because we don't know what's going on with him so we shouldn't do anything irrational and make the situation any worse than it already is." Kook explained calmly but in his head he was far from calm, but in order to keep his brother from doing something stupid he's putting up a facade.

Jeongguk banged his fist on the table, he was no more frustrated, now it was just anger. "THEN WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!" He shouted and stood up, the force causing the chair he was seating on to fall back.

"FIRST YOU NEED TO FUCKING CHILL!!!" Kook screamed back and massaged his temples "okay...? Please just calm down" The younger voiced out defeated. This whole thing was making them loose control which is definitely not a good thing considering the fact that they aren't normal humans.

In order to stay in control with themselves they have to stay cool and right now they are damn far from being cool and if you look closely you can already see a bit of their fangs emerging.

They now firmly glared at each other, none wanting to back down first, both staring into each other's glowing crimson blood shot eyes.

Gguk finally sat back down in defeat as he knew there was no point in arguing with his brother. "Tsk...fine. So what's your plan now?" He asks.

"Okay good, so first things first we should just contact Kim Namjoon."


Kook rolled his eyes at his brothers remark. "Well I did, but your hot headed self didn't let me speak and you know we can't link like werewolf's."

"Oh whatever. Why you gotta mention those horny fur balls?"

"Cos I can, and anyways they ain't even that bad, I honestly don't know what you got against them but whatever I don't really care all I care about is my little angel."

"Sure sure, let's just go to the Kim mansion now I'm getting a bit restless here. I just feel like something is wrong with my baby." Gguk quickly got up and started walking out the room with his brother following behind.

"I actually do too, I don't know what it is but I feel a link connecting us and ever since that fateful day I've been feeling quite uneasy." Jungkook replied, quite shocked at the fact that him and his brother have been feeling the same about Tae.

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