Chap.4| These two again!?

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Taehyung POV:

After hyung took me back to his office we sat down and he gave me my teacher timetable. At this point of time I long forgot about those two twins so now I was just gone back to excited me.

"So... any questions?" Namjoon hyung asked.

"Nah. I think I get it, anyways if I do have questions I'll come to y-" I was about to respond to Namjoon hyung when the door opened resonating a loud bang in the room.

"YAH! I finally found you! How dare you break my favorite pink pan this morning?!" I turned around to look at the owner of the voice and saw a very handsome (WWH), tall and broad shouldered man.

 "I swear to God I'm going to kill you this time, this is literally the third pan you broke this week even though I told you countless times to stay away from MY kitchen!" Yelled the handsome man at Namjoon whilst taking murderous steps towards him

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"I swear to God I'm going to kill you this time, this is literally the third pan you broke this week even though I told you countless times to stay away from MY kitchen!" Yelled the handsome man at Namjoon whilst taking murderous steps towards him.

I looked back at Namjoon when I heard him mutter an "I'm so fucked" under his breath, I was trying so hard not to laugh at his face expressing right now, so in order to save myself I decided to help him out.

"Uhhh...Good morning sir. Nice to meet you..." I said a bit too cautiously because I'm not going to lie I'm kinda scared of him.

"OMOOOO! You are sooo cuteeee omg! Namjoon! How could you keep this sweetheart from me? You know what yeah? It's on sight, so you better watch your back. Anywayssss bun my name is Kim Seokjin but please call me Jin hyung or Eomma either is fine by me!" Jin hyung was practically shouting at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole university heard him, but I really like him already and completely forgot about the fact that I was scared of him a few seconds ago.

I smiled at him and before I could reply he started screaming again. "OMG! He's smile is literally gonna be the end of me. Joon come catch me right now or else." He said and fake fainted into Namjoons arms.

"Well- my name is Kim Taehyung and I'm a new art teacher here." I laughed and took his dramatic fainting as an opportunity to finally introduce myself.

"You see Joon he already has our last name so from here on out I announce him as our son. Also Taehyung-ah as you may have guessed I'm Joonies husband and also the vice principal so if you have any problems please come to me so I can beat some ass." Jin hyung said excitedly. Did I already say I like him cos if I did I don't care cos I really do like him.

"Thank you Jim hyung, I'll take note of that, but for now I think I need to get to my first lesson before I'm late." I said in kinda of a hurry.

"Oh yeah yeah sorry for keeping you here for long you may leave now." As soon as Namjoon hyung dismissed me I gave both him and Jin hyung a hug and I was half way through closing the door when I heard a pained screamed from Namjoon hyung. Damn I felt for him.

I soon rushed to my class which took me a while cos I wasn't really sure which one it was. 5 minutes later, I gave up looking and decided to ask a student for directions. Once I finally got there I opened the door with a bit too much force and walked towards my desk.

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