How are the new Allies?

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Nozomi managed to go to the tunnel full of victims trapped in Daki's obi and freed them while tengen found one of his wives in a house.


Nozomi sent a crow to Kagaya and turned the two demons into paragons and slowly they felt pain but felt a whole weight off their chest.

"Nozomi!" Yelled Tengen as Nozomi cursed internally.

"Fuck!" Thought Nozomi as tengen and the trio went up to her to see the two upper moons as paragons.

"Nozomi what did you do?!" Asked Tengen.

"Uhhh I made a deal with them and now they are with me....?" Said Nozomi as the others sweat dropped.


Kagaya was informed of the two new allies and told it to the hashira who were kinda shocked and surprised by the news.

Meanwhile in the infinity forest.............

The now fifteen kizuki were playing with eachother as the more higher upper protectors were watching over them.

"What are we supposed to do now that Muzan knows of you and now us?" Asked Azura with a serious voice as she looked at her mother who sighed.

"We must lay back for now, until something happens, get all of the paragons that are protecting the villages, and let no paragon get kidnapped." Said Nozomi and the upper protectors nodded and disappeared.

Over the last few weeks, paragons went into the infinity forest making sure they weren't followed by demon spies.

They were hiding like certain creatures being pushed into the sea by a Red Bull.

Nozomi was obviously not happy about this but she knew that if she allowed the paragons to roam freely in this time, Muzan would definitely send a twelve kizuki after an unfortunate paragon and forced them to give up info about Nozomi.

She couldn't have that she was terrified about that result, and so she made sure that no paragon was still in the open.


"Is everyone here? Are there no more out there?" Asked Nozomi as she looked at the infinity forest seeing families of paragons or groups walking around the infinity forest like it was a village.

"Yes my queen, there are no more paragons out there, they are all here safe and sound." Said Niwashi as kids laughter could be heard in the distance.

Nozomi felt relieved until she heard a crow's caw. She saw kagaya's crow flying to her and it landed on Niwashi's harp.

"News Nozomi, while you were rounding up your paragons, upper five and four attacked sword smith's village and were slain." Said Kagaya's crow and Nozomi put her hand over her mouth.

She felt terrible that she wasn't there she could've get them to remember her and turn to the side of good but now they were slain. Nozomi breathed in and out, she looked at the bird and picked it up.

"Tell me what I must do now." Asked Nozomi.


Demon slayer, hashira training. Nozomi did now that demon slayers that don't have a mark will go through back breaking training and Nozomi was the break for them. But the hashira didn't know that, she was supposed to train them as well but she felt sorry for the demon slayers.


"This is hell!!" Said Zenitsu as he whined the whole way to the infinity forest, demon slayers groaned in agreement, they were all tired from the training.

"Come on it's not that bad." Said Tanjiro.

"Shut up, Monjiro." Said Inosuke as he walked in front of them.

"It's TANJIRO! TAN- JI-RO!" Said Tanjiro and inosuke continued to say the name wrong until Zenitsu snapped at them.

"BOTH OF YOU QUIET!" Yelled Zenitsu.

"We are here." Said a demon slayer and they all saw a forest. It was empty, dark, and no signs of people living there. It creeped everyone out then inosuke waltz in like he owned the place and Tanjiro followed.

They were all in shock by the flora and beauty of the infinity forest it was like a wonderland and paradise for higher beings.

"Hello!" Said Nozomi as she landed on the ground swiftly and gracefully.

"Welcome demon Slayers! This is where you will be training for the next few days." Said Nozomi as she walked along the demon slayers while they were mesmerized by the infinity forest.

"This is like a paradise."

"Maybe this week will not be that bad."

"Hope this is a break."

"Now you will be trained by my Sixteen Kizuki!" Said Nozomi then the demon slayers stopped.

"Now that she mentions it, I never really seen the full sixteen kizuki...." Thought Tanjiro as he looked at Nozomi who then pointed up then they all saw the sixteen kizuki, fuyu and yuki looked at Tanjiro then they both looked away.

"Now they will try to go hard on you but you will have a big break after!" Said Nozomi.

That week was good, the sixteen kizuki were actually pretty peaceful with the demon slayers meanwhile the oldest kizuki's, Azura, Boruda, Fuyu, yuki, Willow, were trying to be hard on the demon slayers but they ended up having fun with them.

They made training into games, like hide and seek, tag, and the kizuki's favorite, dodgeball.

After the week the demon slayers reluctantly had to go and they weren't happy about it.

"Why do we have to go away from that paradise?!?!?" Whined Zenitsu as they walked along to the next.

"As much as I want to stay as well we must go to the next Zenitsu." Said Tanjiro.


Meanwhile with Nozomi and the water duo.

Nozomi was playing hide and seek with the two water pillars who were the seekers. She was hiding in the most unknown spot, inside Sabito's pocket.

While they were counting she made herself small and gone inside sabito's pocket.

"Where is she? We checked every nook and cranny in the water estate." Said Giyu as he walked around alongside Sabito.

"Luckily for you I have something that she couldn't resist, berry cake." Said Sabito, then Nozomi's eyes dilated. He was right she couldn't resist that smell of berry cake then she felt sabito's hand grabbing her.

"Oh wait Nozomi's here- OH WAIT WHAT THE-" Yelled sabito then Nozomi closed his mouth with her hand.

"No cursing." Said Nozomi as she glared coldly at sabito.

"Wait she was in your pocket the entire time. That was the most brilliant thing I have ever seen." Said Giyu as he thought about himself being small, hiding in sabito's pocket.

"Thank you." Said Nozomi as she smiled then she saw a crow coming to her.

"Nozomi! You must follow me! For private purposes!" Yelled the crow and she said her goodbyes and left.

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