Day 1

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,,Ugh! Finally we're here.'', Amara said after a 5 hour flight from Manhattan NY to Los Angeles. Amara, her little brother Cole and her mom Elaine arrived in a hotel in L.A to spend the next 2 weeks on the beach. ,,Can we please go to the beach, mom?.'',Cole asked. ,,Yes, when you and your sister help me unpack all the stuff!",,Fine.", Cole answered while he rolled his eyes. Amara started smirking when Cole did that. After 30 minutes they were finished and Amara and Cole got ready for the beach. ,,Mom, r'u coming? We're ready!.", Amara shouted through the whole hotel room. ,,Yes, I'm coming!" They walked to the beach which only was 5 minutes away from their hotel. After a lot of searching they finally found a place. Amara and Cole were running into the ocean because they were so excited to finally be at the beach after a long time. Cole got a ball and played a game with Amara. After a few minutes Cole got tired of the game and decided to get Ice cream. Amara stayed in the water, was swimming a bit and then she saw him.

She saw a tall, brown haired boy with beautiful brown eyes. He was just standing in the sand looking for his little sister. But Amara was flashed by him. ,,I've never seen a prettier boy before!", she whispered to herself. She decided to swim a few rounds and then get something to eat because she was hungry. She didn't eat anything the whole day. So after the few rounds of swimming she took a bit of money and went to a Pancake Store a few miles from the beach. They were 3 people in the waiting line before her.

A man with his daughter and him. HIM! She was shocked when she saw the boy from the beach again. Her eyes went big because she couldn't believe her eyes. The first thing that was running through her mind was:,,Omg he's prettier than I thought. How is his side profile so perfect. HOW IS HE SO PRETTY??" He was waiting for his pancakes and Amara couldn't stop looking at him. He started looking at her too. She blushed. They made very intense eye contact until he got his pancakes and walked back to the beach. Amara got her pancakes too and went back to her mom and her brother. She was sitting on a towel, eating her pancakes and starring around. She noticed that a lot of people in her age were sitting in front of them. 5 girls and 2 boys. The girls were really pretty and the 2 boys were-

She couldn't believe her eyes, again! There was the pretty unknown boy, AGAIN! He was sitting there with his little brother and they were eating the pancakes he just got. This time he didn't notice her because he was talking to the girls. Amara already got jealous of them without even knowing them!,, I guess they're friends of his family or sum.", She thought then without a doubt. His little brother asked him to play ball in the ocean and he said yes.,,Tate".
That was the name of the unknown pretty guy. Amara knew from that moment she heard his name, that she would never forget his name. Amara went also back in the ocean to stay near him. On purpose of course. They were playing ball the whole time. Amara was just staring at them. After a few minutes she noticed something.

His brother started talking a different language. Amara tried to guess which language it was until she got it.,,Italian!",,Wow he's Italian! Well I guess half Italian or maybe not. I'm not sure." Amara understood Italian very well because her father is Italian and he literally always talked Italian with her. They weren't talking about something special. Just some things about the game. She started laughing quietly when Tate said:,, Che coglione!", which means ,,What an idiot". He said that for fun because his little brother didn't catch the ball. Amara got to the toilet and when she came back there were girls talking to Tate. These weren't the girls who were sitting in front of her. These were other girls. They were like 12 or something. What the hell did they want with Tate? It seemed like they just met. And they did. Amara was listening to them the whole time. They were speaking Italian. One of the girls name was Francesca. And she was 13. She kinda flirtet with Tate the way she was talking and the way she acted around him. Amara was 15 so she guessed that Tate was also 15 or maybe 16. So what did the girls want from him. Tate didn't feel comfortable near them, that's why he decided to go to his place and drink something. Amara stayed in the water to listen what the girls were talking about, after Tate got out of the water. Amara was right. This one girl Francesca was really flirting with him because she was attracted to him. Amara was shocked when she heard the next thing an other girl said. She said in a pissed tone :,,Francesca, hai un ragazzo, perché scherzi con altri ragazzi?", which means ,,Francesca, you got a boyfriend, why are you flirting with other boys?". Amara was shocked because she heard they were 13! She didn't have to worry about those girls. She knew that Tate wouldn't be that dumb to talk to the girls again. And Amara was right. Tate didn't went back to those girls again.

Her mom said to go for a little walk to look out for shops which are near the beach. So the 3 of them went for a walk. Amara was thinking about Tate the whole time. When they came back to the beach the first thing Amara did, was looking for Tate. But she couldn't see him anywhere. Not in the ocean, not at any shop and not in front of them. His towel was gone. She was looking for him everywhere but he was gone. Amara was kinda sad and really hoped that he would be at the beach tomorrow again.

In the evening, back in the Hotel, the first thing Amara did was calling her best friend Nina and telling her everything about Tate and what happened today. Nina was also shocked when Amara told her the thing with this 13 year old girl Francesca. Nina said:,,Ugh, it's always those 13 year old, isn't it!" Amara totally agreed. Nina hoped for her best friend that she will see Tate again. At the end of the call Nina said:,,If you see your hot Italian boy tomorrow again, just ask him if he would like to go eat pizza with you!",,Thanks, I will take that advice!", Amara said and giggled. It was very late so Amara decided to go sleep with the hope to see the love of her life again.

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