The Sun Was What You Were || Luke Pearce 💖💫

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Y/n's POV!:

The warmth of the sun was uncomparable to most things, most things but you.

Like the sun you always brought warmth and happiness, making everyone around you spell-bounded by your charm and glee.

You shined brighter than the moon and the stars however, I was blinded by your brightness.

I chased you aimlessly that day, not realising that I was truly an imbecile. An idiot was what I was, I chased something despite being unable to see.

I wish I could've held you there and then, telling you that I'd be there for you every step of the way.

But even the sun has to set.

As I watched you give up, like a lamp running out of oil. I knew I was too late.

How was I to replenish something when I couldn't see in the first place?

The sun in our skies, seem to have no flaws. But that is because it's so bright you can't even spot a thing.

Like how we never noticed what you were going through, despite being the light of our worlds you didn't have a light of your own.

I'm sorry things ended this way.

I wanted to remind you how great you were, I wanted to tell you how wonderful you were and I wanted to cherish you for the person you were.

But alas, I couldn't because you were gone before I could say a thing.

I miss you so much, it's been a day without you but it felt like years.

I miss the way you smiled, I miss the way you laughed and I miss the way you looked at me with those eyes.

Beautiful was what you are, but that too, is an understatement.

I wish I could hold your hand one last time and tell you how much you meant to me.

I cried and cried that day I lost you. You should've been here by my side but we pick the prettiest flowers from the gardens don't we?

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