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In 2BC Aegon Targaryen I landed at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush and began his conquest of Westeros, an event that would change the world forevermore. Arrayed against him, though not necessarily aligned, were the seven kingdoms. The seven rulers of these kingdoms - Torrhen Stark of the North, Ronnel Arryn of Mountain kingdoms of Vale with her mother Sharra Arryn as Regent, Harren Hoare of Iron Isles and Riverlands, Loren I Lannister of the Westerlands, Mern IX Gardener of Reach, Argilac Durrandon of the Stromlands, and Meria Martell of Dorne.

Aegon had declared his intents in a letter he had sent to all of the seven . The response he received from each differed. Harren Hoare and Argilac Durrandon were said to have laughed. Mern Gardener rushed up the Ocean Road to Casterly Rock to form an alliance with Loren Lannister. Ronnel Arryn bunkered down in his Eyrie, while Meria Martell scoffed and last Torrhen Stark, under the advice of his Bastard Half-brother Brandon Snow called his banners for war.

Aegon and his two Sister-wives Rhaenys and Visenya landed with fewer than 1,600 men at the mouth of Blackwater Rush next to three hills. Upon the Highest Hill, Aegon started construction of Aegonfort, a wooden motte and his first claim to the seven kingdoms.

Many Noble Houses of the Narrow sea like House Celtigar and Massey pledged their support to the exotic foreign invader while some Houses like Rosby and Stokeworth surrendered to the overwhelming power of the Targaryens.

Aegon tasted his first victory when he faced against the combined army of House Darklyn of Duskendale and House Mooton of Maidenpool who had joined their forces and marched south with three thousand men. There forces were swiftly crushed when Orys Baratheon faced them in the field and Aegon descended on them from above with Balerion. After both lords were slain Darklyn's son and Mooton's brother Jon Mooton yielded their castles and swore their swords to House Targaryen.

Next Aegon sent his fleet commanded by Daemon Velaryon to take Gulltown, but they were defeated by the Arryn fleet which was reinforced by the huge Braavosi war Galleys. Their victory however was short lived when Queen Visenya riding on her dragon Vhagar descended on the victories Arryn fleet and burned their ships.

Next Aegon marched to the Gods eye to face King Harren Hoare for the control of the Riverlands and the Iron Islands.
They fought two battles against Harren's forces. While the Battle of the Reeds was a Targaryen victory, albeit a costly one, the battle of Wailing willows saw heavy casualties for the Targaryens completely halting their advance in the god's eye for a month and allowing the Ironborn king to shore up defences.

Harren summoned the Riverlords to defend Harrenhal, but they rose against him under leadership of Lord Edmyn Tully of Riverrun. One by one the river lords joined their strength to Aegon, with Edmyn being the first to do so. Suddenly outnumbered, King Harren the Black took refuge in his supposedly impregnable stronghold. Aegon met Harren at the gates, under a peace banner to parley.

Aegon offered Harren that if he yield the castle he remain as lord of Iron Islands. But Harren in his arrogance rejected these terms and hunkered down at Harrenhal believing the castle to be impregnable.

Aegon Descended from the sky atop Balerion, and used dragonflame against the great castle, and Harren and his sons died in the Burning of Harrenhal ending the line of House Hoare and Ironborn rule over the Riverlands.

The next day Aegon accepted an oath of fealty from Edmyn Tully, and named him Lord Paramount of Trident. The other river lords did homage as well, to Aegon as king and Edmyn as liege lord of the Riverlands.

After the conquest of Riverlands the forces of Targaryen under the command of Orys Baratheon defeated Argilac Durrandon, who stupidly left the safety of his castle, and subjugated the Stromlands.

Aegon appointed Orys as Lord Paramount of the stromlands after he had taken Argilac Durrandon's daughter as his wife.

Next Aegon subjugated the Reach and Westerlands after he defeated the combined armies of The Rock and Highgarden, which was at least fifty five thousand strong, in the Field Of Fire where Aegon for the first time unleashed all three dragons at the same time.

After the battle king Lorren surrendered and for his oath of fealty Aegon appointed him as Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the west.

As the battle had seen the extinction of House Gardener Aegon appointed Harlen Tyrell as Lord paramount of the Mander and Warden of the South as a reward for surrendering Highgarden to the Targaryens without further bloodshed.

Next Aegon send Visenya to secure the Vale,which she accomplished rather easily after she flew her dragon Vhagar to the Eyrie's courtyard. Ronniel Arryn became Lord of the Eyrie and Aegon's warden of the East.

At the same time Torrhen Stark, King in the North crossed the ruins of Moat Cailin and the Neck with an Army of Thirty Thousand strong.

When Torrhen and his nothmen reached the Trident river, they found a Targaryen host, which outnumber them nearly 2 to 1 south of the river, including men from the Reach, Riverlands, Westerlands, Stromlands, and thd Vale.

Some overeager Northern lords like the Umbers and Karstarks wanted to attack, while the cautious ones like Boltons and Manderly wanted to fall back to safety of the North and fortify Moat Cailin.

Brandon Snow younger half brother of Torrhen even offered to assassinate the sleeping Targaryen dragons with the help of Weirwood arrows which he claimed were blessed by the magic of the old gods.

King Torrhen, with Harrenhal and The Field Of Fire in mind, instead send Brandon with measters to negotiate a peace treaty. The next day Torrhen crossed the Trident and bend his knee to the Dragon king who allowed Torrhen to keep his land as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North.

Even though Torrhen did that to save his men and the North from being consumed by dragon fire, he will forever be known as The King Who Knelt.

And while Targaryens will remember the submission of the North as another stepping stone for their conquest of Westeros, what they didn't know was by doing this they have awakened a sleeping giant who has been slumbering since the days of the Andal Invasion.

For now the Direwolf will bid their time, they will wait for the right moment and In the least opportune moment when their prey is weak the Direwolf will jump and will tear their foe in pieces.

After all, Winter is Coming.

And done.
Hello guys and gals this is my first time writing a Asoiaf fanfiction.
It is a three part series I have planned. The first part will only have 3 or so chapters which will cover the history of the North from Aegon's conquest to Robert's Rebellion. Now to be clear the first part will only cover the history so don't expect any conversation within characters.
Second there will be some Major Canon divergence as it is fanfiction, so don't be upset.
Read and enjoy and don't forget to leave a review. Remember reviews are food for a writer's soul.

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