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And the busy prince is in his father study.

*father you call?* he said

The emperor glared at his son neglecency.

*the little ancestor did you monitor him?*said by the emperor.

The prince suddenly remember that the little prince haven't see the prince for a while. And if there is he only see the back of the baby and didn't urge to ask because he is so busy.

*the little prince is now staying at your wife's palace. Are you aware of this?* the emperor interrogate.

*what?* the prince didn't expect to hear that.
Well if i think carefully for a half a year his wife didn't fuss to him.

*Father, forgive my neglicency* the prince bow

The emperor just stare at him with a pressured atmosphere.

*Go* uttered by the emperor

*yes, i will see to it now.* and the prince left with the emperor who also thinks deeper about the changes of the princess.

The prince call his aid and to let the mole report to him now.

And the mole of the princess palace is now in the presence of his highness the crown prince.

The mole told everything from the moment change and even the princes changes. The prince cannot utter any utterances when the mole told him that the princess is not the crazy wife and most of all the little prince, the little prince thinks of him as a father but not uncle and even his wife is his mother. He can't believe it and after he dismiss the mole even the chancellor can't believe it also.

And so the prince decide to see it himself in the dark. And even the emperor can't help but squinted his eyes on what he is hearing right now.

While the princess is blind that she is now under the eyes of the two royalties. Because she is busy rejecting the social teas and parties because she thinks that it only tired her while hugging the baby in her arms who is now sleeping soundlessly. Whenever she puts him he would cry so loudly that she doesn't have any other choice but to carry him arround. And all the palace guards and palace library guards are now acustom to this rare sight her highness is carrying a baby all the time and it is not only a ordinary but the silent prince who didn't care to anyone.

Sometimes the baby would yell at the hallway and shout all his might to yell his mother for not carrying him or leaving him sleeping on his own and they would see the prince often in a disheveled clothes like the princess.

The two royalties disregard their status at all.

Her highness loves the comfortable lifeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat