7. The suspense is killing me!

Start from the beginning

You nodded to the shop keep, "we need new brooms.... Fast ones." you stated, glancing around the shop.

"Right away!" he exclaimed, waddling off into the back of the shop.

Draco stared, as soon as the old man layed eyes on Alice, he jumped to do her bidding....

'Well mate, maybe she has good blood...'

'I really don't think Canadians worry about blood lines...'

'Are you Canadian?'


'Then how would you know about what they worry about mate?'

Draco rolled his eyes at himself, these ridiculous self conversations had to stop at some point, right?

"Ah, here we are..." the old man stuttered, handing Draco and yourself a broom. "Fastest ones we've got."

You smiled at the old man, putting a few bottles of maple syrup down on the counter, you got out your wallet.

"Oh, no need Ms.Smat." the old man smiled, his thick Nova Scotian accent almost inaudible.

You smiled back at him, "I know these brooms aren't cheap, so please, take this." you said, handing the man fifty galleons.

The old man smiled to you. "Thank you love." he said quietly. He was glad to give you the brooms for free, but you were right, those brooms were very expensive.

"Right then." Draco muttered, putting a hand on your shoulder, "should we be going?"

You nodded, smiling at the old man once more, "Thank you." Walking out the door, you stuffed the two bottles of maple syrup into your cloak, and mounted your broom. Kicking off from the ground hard, you hovered for a moment, before shooting up into the sky.

Draco pulled his broom level as the two of you broke through the clouds. "These aren't too bad." he said over the howling winds.

You scoffed, "they were made out west, so of course they're not too bad."

Draco shook his head at you. 'Well, at least she's proud of where she came from...' he thought to himself, casting a glance downward, seeing the dark tauntings of the ocean below.

You pulled something out of your pocket. Adjusting your broom slightly, you pointed in the direction, as Draco also adjusted himself. Putting the object back in your cloak, you pushed forward.

After hours of flying through the freezing air, you could see land on the distant horizon. "Draco look!" you pointed at the mass of land.

Draco smirked, "and no sight of the other teams... looks like we're in first place."

"You just jinxed us..." you said, pointing behind him. You watched as blue and black blurred with red and gold in a duel on brooms. "Hopefully they won't notice us..." you mouthed to Draco, a red beam shoot over his shoulder, just barely missing his head.

'We just can't win, can we.'

'No, apparently not. Now keep your mouth closed before you jinx us more.'

'Oh hardy har har.'

'Will you two shut it?! I need to concentrate!' You thought angrily, watching all around yourself and Draco for anymore attacks.

Draco was on edge, that spell was just millimeters from the back of his head. He glanced downward again. The good news was, you were still above the ocean. The bad news was, you were still above the ocean. If either of you fell into those tossing waters, you'd be long gone. Draco turned his head at the sound of a loud crack.

Colour Me Slytherin - A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now