Chapter 1

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Arthur and I are inside our grandfather study reading about his adventures, but then we fell asleep.

Grandmother(Yelling): Arthur & YN!

She walks into the study to find me and Arthur asleep, she gently wakes us up.

Arthur: Ahh Ahhh were being attacked.

Y/N: I surrender.

I fell to the ground.

Grandmother: Relax you two it's just me grandma.

Y/N: Sorry grandma we were in Africa.

Grandmother: I can tell! Did you have a good trip?

Arthur: Fantastic...! I was in a tribe with Grandpa! Look!

Arthur points to a painting hanging on the wall.

Arthur: Grandpa painted a canvas that he placed in a circle that way the animals pace round and round it but can't find us. It's like we're invisible.

Grandmother: Invisible, but not unsmelable! Did you have your bath this morning?

Y/N: I took mine this morning.

Arthur: I was on my way when I found this book!

Grandmother: Hmm hmm!

Arthur: It's incredible!

Y/N: It's all the inventions Grandpa made for the isolated tribes.

Grandmother: Yes. He was more interested in African tribes than he was his own!

Arthur: Look! He dug a super deep well and invented a whole irrigation system out of bamboo poles.

Grandmother: You know it wasn't Grandpa who invented that, it was the Romans. They called them viaducts

Y/N: The Romans? I never heard of that tribe!

Grandmother: Oh, it's a very old tribe the leader was called Caesar.

Arthur: Like the salad?

Grandmother: Yes, like the salad. Now put the books back where you got them we have to go shopping!


Arthur and I finish setting up our straw watering system

Y/N: You sure its going to work.

Arthur: Of course we followed grandpa instruction to the letter.

Alfred walks up us.

Arthur: Alfred You are about to witness the invention of the largest irrigation system in the county. Bigger than Grandpa's better than Cesar's. This is Arthur's & Y/N invention!

Y/N: Perfect!

We headed outside to set it up. Arthur was near the radishes.

Arthur: By the grace of God!

I turned on the water and the water went through the system watering the radishes. Arthur's face explodes with excitement and he runs over to Alfred grabbing his paw and shaking it.

Arthur: Alfred, congratulations! It's a remarkable invention that'll go down in history! Believe me!

Y/N: Good job bro we did it thanks to you.

I help Arthur then he pulls me into a hug.

Arthur: And you to.

Grandmother: Y/N, Arthur! Telephone!

We ran toward the house and I let Arthur answer the phone.

Arthur: Hey! Y/N & I built an irrigation system like Cesar's! Now the radishes will grow twice as fast!

Mom: Huh? Is this my honey pie? Who is this Seesher?

Arthur: One of Grandpa's colleagues... but I followed Grandpa's blueprints and it works really well!

Y/N: Taking a guise its mom and dad

Arthur nodded his head

Arthur: I hope you can get here before nighttime so you can see it... where are you now?

Mom: Um... well, we're still in the city, Arthur.

Arthur: Huh?! Oh. Well... I guess you'll see it tomorrow morning then?

Mom: Um, No we're not going to able to make it Arthur but even though we can't be there, we wanted to tell you that we're thinking of you Because... today is... your's and Y/N birthday!

Mom & Dad: Happy Birthday son and daughter!

Dad: Thought we'd forgot, didn't you! But ten years old is a big deal! You're a big boy now, aren't you? So how did you like the present?

Mom: We haven't gotten it yet, you idiot!

Dad: What?

Mom: No, I fixed it with Granny. Yes, you can go into town tomorrow and pick out whatever you like.

Dad: Not too expensive! Just joking, son! But we'll see you real soon and uh remember you have yourself a Happy birthday and give Y/N our love!

Arthur: There not coming.

Y/N (put hand on shoulder): I am sorry Arthur.

Arthur: It's fine at least I have you and Granny and Alfred.

Grandmother: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Arthur & Y/N! Happy birthday to you!

Y/N: You know what? You're the best Granny in the world!

Grandmother: And you're the best paid of grandkids!

Granny: Go on, blow them out!

Arthur: Presents first?

Granny: Oh, right. This is from Alfred.

Granny hands Arthur a present then me one.

Granny: And Y/N this is from Grandpa before he left.

Arthur opens Alfred's gift which was a tennis ball.

Arthur: I never had a new one before! Thank you Alfred!

Arthur was about to throw it but granny stopped him.

Granny: No, ah! If you could wait till you're outside to throw it I'd consider that a favor 

Arthur: Oh, yeah, you're right.

I opened my gift to see it was a pocket knife.

Y/N: Great I always wanted one.

Granny: Glad you like It your grandfather would have wanted you to have it.

Arthur opens his last one to a toy car.

Granny: And this is from me.

Arthur: It's beautiful! How did you manage to bake a cake? I thought the oven was broken.

Granny: Mrs. Kerman from the hardware store actually made it! Still like it?

Y/N: It's fantastic.

Arthur: Just too big for four.

Granny: Don't be too hard on them Arthur! They try their best I spend my whole year in boarding school in England, and when I come back for vacation they're not even here!

Y/N: Anyway I'm used to it now they're never here for our birthdays.

Arthur and I were about to blow out our candles.

Granny: Wait! Make a wish.

Arthur: I wish that, for my next birthday, Grandpa will be here to share it.

Y/N: And wish our parents will be here next time.

Granny: Better blow them out quick you don't wanna eat a wax cake!

We blow out our candles. 

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