He was exhausted after his battle, mostly mentally. He had never as a child had much of a chance to use his power at full capacity like that - and it honestly scared him. Sure, none of his future classmates were dead, but they could have been. Taking out that ring of foes had made him so aware of his own strength: far too aware. He could kill with the mere flick of his hand if he focused enough and if he targeted certain points of the body- he wouldn't even have to produce that much electricity. It also made him realize due to a lack of training he has no precision or speed with his ability. It takes so much time for him to charge up even the smallest blast of lightning. He wasn't even excited to see his dorm room - for as he had walked about the castle using his map: he found that it was terribly drafty, stuffy, and all-around drab. The entire look of the place made him fall deeper into his grumpy self.

But, hey, at least he doesn't have to share.

He slides his door open and freezes. Skylar slams the door closed behind him not even needing to turn on the light to know who's in his room standing backdropped against the sunset beaming through the window. He's the only man Skylar knows who wears a skirt.

"Hey, kiddo." Kiwi speaks up, flipping on the lamp that stands beside him to bathe the room in proper lighting. "I know I'm the last person you would expect to be here- but,"

"Leave." Skylar growled out and he stalked around the white-haired man: not even glancing his way. He grabbed the suitcase that had been delivered to his dorm: and popped it open on his bed. "I have no want nor desire to speak with you."

Kiwi frowns, "I see what's happening...You're pushing me away. Your father tried to do this years ago too-"

The air buzzes a bit, a soft warning as Skylar's blonde locks of hair lift slightly off his head. "Don't compare me to my father. You're not wanted here: I I'm pretty sure every single teacher in this school would love to get a hold of Soreli."

They visibly wince, his entire face darkening a bit. "So...we're on a hero-name basis? What happened to Uncle Kiwi?"

"You lost that title when you let him ruin my life!" the blonde shot back, turning on the other male in the room. "Did you even try to talk to him!? And don't try and say you don't have any power over him - I know you do."

Kiwi shakes his head, and he sits down on the end of the young man's bed, sighing deeply. "There's a lot you don;t know about Matthew-"

"Because he never talks about our family! Like apparently, there's been a villain Dair before me!" A growl slips between his lips with ease, he knows deep down: he shouldn't do this. Kiwi is his last connection to the life he had, to the life he might be able to have again if he convinces the New Zealander to help him - but he knows that's foolish thinking. That part of his life is gone. Its locked behind a door that is boarded up and chained, every little nail in it was hammered there by his father. His mother doesn't do anything and that's her problem. She's always just there - going along with his father's plans and all his ideas. She didn't even stop him. She just stood there and cried. Some help her tears had been.

"How," the man spoke slowly. "Do you know that?" Kiwi's face was furrowed deeply, and he looked highly disturbed by this information.

"The teachers here talk. And so do I,"Skylar points to the window from where he came. "Out."

He stands slowly, and they nod. "Alright: I'll go but just know..." he sighs deeply. "You're not alone." He doesn't get an answer - all he hears is a soft huff of air being released,covering up and hardly hid sniffle. Kiwi deeply inhaled, but he retreated as he had been asked. He slips out the window, and with a little manipulation upon gravity using his own powers - it allows him to walk down the side of the building and slip into the night unseen as he takes to the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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