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Today was perfect. 

There were no clouds to cover up the brilliant sun as it beamed down upon the land, but it wasn't too hot - for it had rained in the morning. As his curtains were draped open by a butler, wearing the signature Dair crest - a dagger wrapped in the American flag, the one and only Dair child rubbed at his eyes. He hadn't been sleeping: for he was already fully dressed - he was more like waiting beneath his covers. What else could he do, as nerves ate away at him causing him to fidget like there was no tomorrow. 

The butler gave him a weary smile, everyone in the house was nervous today. Quickly though, the man moved along not lingering to even perhaps give words of encouragement to the recently "child turned man". 

Skylar sighed. He shouldn't have expected that kind of thing from any of the staff here. They were all petrified of him - hardly ever speaking a word. He stretched out and stood swinging his legs around the side of his four-poster bed. His light-blue gaze danced around the room, crinkling at the edges as he frowned. Posters covered the walls in neat symmetrical patterns, they were movie posters to be exact -from the 80s. A book shelf covered the far wall, only broken by the massive circular window - who's satin curtains had already been opened. With care, Skylar stood and he grabbed a comb off of his nearby night-stand.

He used a full length mirror that was edged in golden trim, to comb his hair into submission. The young man forced it to sit the way it had been cut, long golden strands laying flat against his neck - while it gradually got shorter towards the front. His father had been furious that his son had grown his hair out, but the gentle mullet style had been a compromise. He owned two mirrors , actually, one beside his nightstand, and another on the left wall in-between the two doors that led to his walk in closest. Skylar tugged at his clothes self-consciously- there were going to be cameras everywhere. Paparazzi asking thousands of questions, but one couldn't avoid such things when your family was the biggest hero lineage of all time. 

So, their son had to dress to impress. He wore a tight-knit sweater, the color was pastel pink, not too bright - but still, colorful enough that he didn't look drab. Underneath however a white-button down made its appearance, the collar and cuffs being shown where the sweater ended. His pants were unwrinkled and slick slacks of a tan color, basic. His mother: had demanded color while his father, the ever traditional man he was, wanted a suit. 

He appeased both of them. Checking one more time in the mirror, stopping only to comb through his hair again: Skylar made his way out of his room, a smile - to fake confidence and to ease his own nerves, crept across his features. With his blonde hair, and pretty blue eyes - the young man was already the sight to behold, his skin fair and unblemished, due to tedious skin care. Yet, his face: was like the icing on top. The blonde had a sharp and slim face, his jawline cut seemingly from marble, and his nose wasn't crooked or too big for his face, it was a bit narrow - but that only made him look sharper. Once, it had been described to him that someone could cut diamonds with the edges of his face - and that stuck. Skylar took pride in his apprecance, far more than he would admit: and far more than he should. 

But, when you're told your whole life that you are the most gorgeous boy around (not just by parents, even the girls at school) it tended to inflate some kind of ego. Skylar trailed his hand down the wall of the hallway which was lined with photos of the great Dair heroes, plaques of their names and their aliases hung below them. One day, Skylar hoped to be placed upon this wall. It was a Dair's greatest honor - it would immortalize you in the hearts of future generations to come. 

He paused, his hand lingering on a plaque - that lacked an image. 

Rudy Dair 

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