"I don't like you (y/n)."

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There was a soft knock on the door which made me curl further into Fred's body. Fred groaned turning his body into mine ignoring the knocking.

"(y/n)." It was George. Fred shot up in my bed making me moan wanting him to stay. For once having the warmth of someone else was nice.

"Mmm Freddie come back to bed." He didn't listen and grabbed a jumper. Fred grabbed my wrists pulling me up and putting it over my head.

"I need you to open the door. Tell George we were out late last night in the forest." Nodding I yawned and he tried fixing up my hair. "We came back at dawn and I stayed up okay." Humming Fred smiled down at me pecking my lips. I opened the door with Fred hiding behind it.

"Do you know where fred is (y/n)? I've been looking everywhere." Rubbing my eye I yawned again. We were up so late last night.

"We went to the forest last night and got back late. I went to bed just after the sun came up, Fred didn't seem interested in going to sleep. I'll help you look when I've gotten changed." With another stretch, I woke up more and George gulped watching the shirt raise higher on my legs.

"Thanks (y/n), you... You look cute today." He blushed lightly and shut the door. I gazed over at Fred who let out a soft groan.

"He's going to kill me." He threaded his fingers through his hair with a sigh while looking up at the ceiling.

"Why?" I asked kneeling down beside him.

"We uh... We both fancy you and promised to tell the other twin if something happened. But this. Shit." He breathed at the end and I pursed my lips together.

"You don't have to tell him or at least not all of it." Fred rolled his head to look at me still leaning onto the stone surface.

"I can't lie. He'd know. I'll tell him... Eventually." Fred smiled leaning in and kissed me softly. "You should get changed. George will be waiting for you."


Fred was waiting at the stairs until George and I left the common room. Which didn't take long since George was ready to find his twin. Walking along with him across the normal spots they hang out a small smile stationed itself on my face.

"You seem chipper today." George said as we wandered around for Fred.

"I'm just trying to be on the look out for your redhead twin. How did you lose him anyway?" George stopped looking around and focused on me.

"He said he'd ask you for the balm you made in potions after dinner. Probably to nag you about disappearing all day." Smiling I nodded just before George went to continue. "So why did you..." I cut him off spotting Fred with Lee on the other side of the courtyard.

"George there he is!" I cheered before waving my hand around. "Freddie!" Shouting this Fred and Lee turned to us.

"Mate where the hell have you been?" Fred glanced at me with a smug expression and I bit my lip. He sucked in a breath.

"Setting up something. (y/n) here came up with the idea." George looked at me and I blinked confused when we heard a scream. A window was opened and papers came flying out of the classroom. Gasping at the number of papers flying through the sky.

"Wow, that's amazing." I breathed out as they started forming different shapes.

"The last ones for you," Fred whispered in my ear just as a heart spread across the sky. Smiling up at the papers they all exploded into fireworks. Everyone stood in awe for a moment, that being until a sudden change in weather and rain started pouring down.


Sitting between Fred and George for dinner, I was eating some vegetables when I felt a hand on my knee.

"You feeling better love?" Fred asked in a whisper and I nodded.

"Hey (y/n) tomorrow we get to go to Hogsmeade. Ready for a sugar high." George grinned and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or something to be worried about.

"I'm second guessing myself now." George chuckled and Fred ever so slightly scooted himself closer to me.

"You've got money right?" Lee said opposite to us just before he ate a mouthful of food.

"How much do I need? I've got I think 1000 gallons...." Lee coughed on his food and Georges fork hit the table. "George are you ok?"

"How rich is your family?" Fred asked and I shrugged eating some more food.

"Not sure, most of the money is from Caith." Making a gross face with a roll of my eyes. "Some sort of premarriage gift." grumbling at my plate the boys went silent.

"That moody guy was being serious? You're marrying him?" Fred said, I shook my head.

"Not if I stay here and finish school. That's the deal." Breathing the last bit to myself I went on with eating. They all shared glances for the rest of dinner letting me eat.


It wasn't until the next morning when I was getting ready to go to Hogsmeade that I saw Fred again. He came knocking on my door while I was in the middle of changing. Knowing who it was I opened the door with only a bra and half done up skirt. Fred's eyes went wide quickly slipping in and shutting the door.

"(y/n) careful. George could have been with me." Shrugging my shoulders I went over picking out a top to wear.

"I could tell it was only you and I thought you were going to tell George?" slipping on a tight shirt I fixed up the skirt I had on.

"I was and then I didn't. He's going to be so pissed at me." I could feel the anxiety rolling off his body and stopped putting up my hair. Walking over I sat right beside him taking hold of his hand.

"He'll be okay. Fred...." There was another knock on the door. George? Going over George quickly slipped in and I heard a roar from a girl down the hall.

"Hannah is storming up the stairs. Is there a place to hide love?" George quickly said and I thought for a second.

"You could go outside to the small ledge." Fred was already opening the window and they hopped out shutting the window as there was a knock. A huffing Hannah stood there and tried to get past me.

"I know they're in here." I knitted my eyebrows together. "I saw Fred sneak in just now."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't seen the twins since dinner last night." She peered in I held my hand up higher.

"I don't like you (y/n)." She frowned at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Way to state the obvious."

"You're too perfect in everyone's eyes. They don't see the monster you truly are. Vampires shouldn't be allowed at Hogwarts." I sighed giving her a black stare.

"You about done, because I've been ignoring you." She went to say something but I shut the door on her. Hearing an angry growl the twins opened the window once more holding in their laughter.

Love bites /Weasley twins x reader /Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora