Chapter Three

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Getting akumatized was a special sort of uncomfortable. But it was exhilarating in all the same ways. Everything that one felt became louder, bigger, something beyond what it used to be. It grew into power. The power to act and take what was yours.

For Chloe, it just made her more upset. The anger had almost fizzled out, but the akuma brought it back with a vengeance. But unlike the last time she had been akumatized, her sorrow manifested much stronger than her rage.

Her skin darkened to a deep blue, almost purple, like the edge of the night sky after the sun had set. Where her hair had been in a high ponytail, it was undone and draped down and around her face. It looked stuck together and damp as though she had just been rained on. Chloe's makeup looked washed out and runny both from her own tears and the transformation.

Most notably, her clothes became a simple long t-shirt and sweatpants that looked worn down and overused. The pants were a bright, light blue, while the shirt was a dark, deep crimson. To top it off, her sunglasses molded into a hat not unlike what her mother wore, but with goggles inlaid into them.

Without a word, Chloe put her hands before her and a large pair of scissors, easily the size of her chest, formed in her hand. Transformation complete, she turned on a dime and walked out the locker room.

A moment of silence followed before Pollen poked her head out the locker she had hidden away in. "Well, this isn't good."


Marianette had never been so uncomfortable in her life. That included that time when she was seven and her twice removed cousins from her dad's side came over and asked her why she didn't wear dresses if she liked making them so much. And that one time she stepped foot first into a mud puddle, lost her shoe, and had to walk home with a sock soaked in mud.

It was bad.

Audrey, once Chloe had stormed out, continued on her tirade. "Ugh, how dramatic. Little Charlie needs to learn her place. She simply can't compare to talent like yours, dear."

Starting at being addressed, Marianette gave her a pinched smile.

"Now," Audrey continued. "You simply must come to New York with me. The opportunities are endless, and skill such as yours would flourish under my attention!"

Her heart skipped a beat. New York was a big deal for fashion. Next to Paris, it was the place to be, and opening up her contacts to overseas big names would be a huge step for her career.

But could she work with someone this awful?

Sure, Marianette didn't like Chloe, but even she thought that how her own mother treated her was cruel. It made her feel bad for the girl. It explained a lot about her, and for a moment Marianette considered being nicer to Chloe.

Not that that would make Chloe suddenly decide to be a good person. It would take the inevitable explosion of the sun for that to happen.

"I-i, um, I need to think about it, Mrs. Bourgeois." Marianette glanced over at her parents. "I have a lot to consider about leaving or staying, and my parents still need my help at the bakery."

Her parents, and oh how she loved them, spoke up immediately, "Oh, we can manage the bakery dear! Don't worry about little old us, what's important is your future."

Please, take the hint guys.

Before Marianette can struggle to find more excuses to deny her request, Adrien pipes up, "Mrs. Bourgeois," he flashes her an award winning smile, "Don't you think that the way Chloe was handled was a bit... out of hand?" Gabriel laid a hand on Adrien's shoulder, squeezing it gently before sharing a look with Natalie and wandering off.

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