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IT'S BEEN NICE LEADING THE BAU HOW EMILY AND I WERE SUPPOSED TO. You know, without going back and forth from the jail for Spencer. Without Scratch in the back of our brains.

We still had a lot of work to do, but it was way more manageable. Rosie appreciated it a lot more, too.

But of course, nothing stays too good for long. Penelope was explaining our latest case and I was having severe deja vu.

"We got a call from Bridgewater, Florida, PD. The body of Rebecca Strong was found last night in a rest stop women's room with and without things." She said and put pictures up of Rebecca. She had an upside down pentagram carved on to her chest and all of her fingers were missing. Her legs were also taken.

My mind went to the Floyd Feylinn Ferrel. He was our cannibal case over ten years ago.

"Whoa." Luke muttered.

"All of the tell tale signs are here." JJ let out. You think? I thought Garcia was kidding when she handed us this case file. This isn't a case you forget easily.

"Pentagram, legs and fingers gone." Rossi added.

I pointed to the board. "And we have one neat aspect. Her earrings and jewelry are laid out equidistant on the floor."

"Sure as hell looks like him." Rossi replied.

"Looks like who?" Matt asked.

"Floyd Feylinn Ferrel." JJ answered. Penelope put his picture on the board.

"A psychotic cannibal who'd been killing under the radar for years." Spencer explained.

"He killed multiple prostitutes and then moved on to low-risk victims." Emily added.

"He kept slipping through the cracks and avoiding justice so people referred to him as lucky." JJ continued.

"The worst part was he owned a barbecue joint, and he fed one of the victims to the search party." Rossi added. I will never forget that moment. I will also never forget when he told me I'd make a good meal.

I do not want to deal with this psycho all over again.

"That is very-" Tara started but Garcia slammed her tablet down and walked out.

Emily and I looked at each other before we realized when this case was. This was the case that led up to her getting shot.

"Was it something I said?" Tara asked.

"No, it's not you. Um, we were working on Ferrel's case when she was shot." I replied to her.

"Garcia was shot?" Luke asked. I forget they haven't been on the team as long as us.

"10 years ago. It happened right in front of her apartment building." JJ replied.

"Was it a random act of violence?" Matt asked.

[𝟐] 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 - 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙨Where stories live. Discover now