Ava Part 2

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Sharon was on the phone to Terry. "Okay, Terry. I love you. Just hurry back."

"I love you too, baby. Put Jake on, okay?" said Terry.

Sharon handed her phone to Jake.

"Hey there, Sarge. Everything is totally under control. As you know, her water has broken and she's had a couple of contractions. And, hey, Sharon - How are you doing vaginally?" asked Jake.

"What? Don't ask her that!" said Terry.

"Okay" said Jake.

"Jake, all you have to do is keep her comfortable. I'm on my way" Terry said.

"Okay, sounds good" Jake said. "And do you want to meet at the hospital or - "

"No hospital" said Terry and Sharon at the same time.

"Okay, got it. Got it. Cool, cool, cool. No hospital. I am picking up what you're screaming down" Jake said.

"We had a terrible experience when Cagney and Lacey were born" said Terry.

"Last time we went to the hospital, they pushed me to have a C-section, didn't have enough rooms, and the anaesthesiologist was a med student who stabbed me in the spinal cord ten times before he got it right!" Sharon explained, quite clearly in pain.

"All right, Sharon. Just relax. Would you like some water?" you offered.

"No, thank you" said Sharon.

"See? Needles in your spine? Childbirth is a horror movie" Gina said.

"That is not helping" Jake said.

"Jake, there is a copy of our birth plan on my desk. Call the doula" Terry said.

"Copy that" said Jake. "I will call the doula. Which is a thing that I definitely know what it is."

"A doula is someone who supports you emotionally and physically and coaches you through the process" said Sharon.

"Oh, I see. So like a vaginal Gandalf?" said Jake.

"Stop saying that word!" said Terry, annoyed.

"Ooh, that's actually a pretty good analogy" Sharon said.

"Well, Sharon liked it, Sarge" Jake said. "All right, listen, you have nothing to worry about. I've got it totally under control here. Love you, bye. Great."

Jake hung up the call.

"So, I'm gonna go get your birth plan and then summon your wizard" said Jake to Sharon.

Holt entered the room. "Oh, Sharon, I heard you had gone into labor in our police station. I hope you don't contract an infection."

"Yeah, we all hope that" said Sharon.

"Hey, Cap-i-tan. Could I speak with you outside for just one moment?" asked Jake.

Holt nodded, and they both left the room.


Y/n and Gina helped Sharon onto the couch in Holt's office.

"All right. Safe and sound. So, I spoke with your doily -" said Jake.

"Doula" corrected Sharon.

"So close" Jake said. "And unfortunately, she is out of town for Thanksgiving."

"What?" asked Sharon.

"I also spoke with your back-up doula, who is in town" you added.

"Oh, thank God" Sharon said.

"But is assisting with another birth" you said.

"Ugh! Should not have paused between those two sentences" said Gina.

"Yeah" you said.

"Jake, where's Terry?" asked Sharon.

"I don't know, exactly, but everything is okay. I have familiarized myself with the soothing section of your birth plan, and I will now speak in a low, calming, Barry White voice" said Jake. He imitated Barry White. "Oh, yeah. Just breathe, baby."

"You're making me more tense" Sharon said.

"Yeah, I get why. I'm doing a bad job, girl" Jake said, still imitating Barry White.

"How about we put on some relaxing music? I think that Terry's got some CDs on his desk" suggested Sharon.

"Great idea. Gina can go grab those" you said.

"I looked at the birthing plan. I'm gonna need ninety minutes" she said.

"Okay then. I'll just go get them" said Jake, leaving the office.


Jake returned the room. "So, I was unable to get the CDs, however, I can sing you a very soothing tune. Something like - When I get that feeling, I get a sexual healing - "

An alarm began to go off.

"What is that? Is there a fire?" asked Sharon worriedly.

"All right, I'm gonna go check this out. Sharon, you stay here and prepare to jump out the window. That came out weird" said Jake.

Jake ran out the room, followed by y/n and Gina.

I KEEP FORGETTING TO DO THIS! I started writing a Fear Street 1978 x reader fanfiction and if some fear street fans could check it out i would really appreciate it.

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