The Rains Of Castamere

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EDITED: 7th Jan 2022

Her arrival at Casterly Rock was a surprise to Lord Tytos; clearly he had only been expecting Kevan, and was not particularly pleased to see her. Though he'd never said it, she knew that he had always wanted a placid, empty-headed daughter to smile vacantly at his idiocy, whilst Tya had always seen exactly what kind of a man he was and not hesitated to call him out on it.

Tya had immediately demanded an audience in her father's solar upon their arrival, to which he had dithered and delayed.

"Can it not wait?" He shifted uncomfortably under the stares of his children. Genna and Kevan stood either side of her, and Tygett was there too; though only eleven, of all her siblings he had a glare closest to Tya's own. "I was having a rather pleasant afternoon with Meiri - I really would prefer to have this discussion another time,"

She wanted to raise her voice, to yell at him that lord's work - and his own children - should not be put aside to spend time with a glorified whore. Instead, she let Kevan speak the words he knew she wanted to.

"Now, Father," Her brother said sternly, and like a kicked, pitiful puppy their father followed them upstairs.

There, Tya laid out what was going to happen in harsh, simple terms. He would still be lord in all but name but leave all ruling to her and Kevan. Then he would have unlimited time to spend with his mistress - she had to force that word out from between her teeth - and do whatever he pleased. The bannermen would not take advantage of his generosity, good humour and weakness any longer, and they would restore the prestige of their house.

Lord Tytos had a few feeble protests but Tya easily shut him down, cold and uncompromising. He sulkily returned to his mistress, who would no doubt soothe him by whispering more poison about his children in his ears to raise her own standing and lower theirs, as she had been doing for years.

Once they had some modicum of control, the first move Tya and Kevan made was to accurately catalogue the mountains of gold that Lord Tytos had lent out and not pushed at all for its return. Though she had been expecting it to be bad from Genna's estimate, the full amount lent was worse than she could have ever imagined. Kevan had winced as he read out the figure, and Jason had laughed in incredulity. Tya wanted to tear her hair out by the roots; or even better, throttle the man she had the dishonour to call Father. A figure that could make a Lannister wince was no small matter.

No wonder their house was a laughing stock in their own lands! She despised the idea that each of these small lords were sat in their castles spending Lannister gold, chuckling to themselves knowing that the feeble Lord of Casterly Rock would never want it back; and even if he did, what was he going to do about it? He had not a violent bone in his body.

She, Kevan and Jason spent a day and a night writing letters to every single recipient of one of Lord Tytos' gift-like loans, demanding its immediate repayment. Those who could not repay would have to send a hostage to Casterly Rock until the debt was settled. No excuses, no compromises.

Their next move was to deal with the problem of the west now being riddled with robber knights and outlaws, who had flourished for years as Lord Lannister was too lazy to enforce the king's justice. Kevan took control of five hundred knights to rid the Westerlands of these criminals, making a harsh example that such acts were unacceptable in lands controlled by the Lannisters. No wonder their people had no faith in them, seeing as they failed to protect them even from scum such as this.

The backlash for this sudden change of policy soon came, of course, particularly for the demands for the loans to be repaid. Many lords were grudgingly compliant, or easily dealt with by a sharply worded letter from Tya or a visit from Kevan and his knights. But by all accounts, Rogar Reyne had laughed at the letter demanding repayment, whilst Walderan Tarbeck had actually ridden to Casterly Rock to confront Lord Tytos in person.

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