Chapter 18: Good morning.

Start from the beginning

No, he can't let his desires run free. He has to control his self. He has to be rational. He repeated those words in his mind like a mantra.

Extreme emotions, after all, trigger her attack the most and he can't risk pleasuring her too much. He has to keep watch of her breathing but also to satisfy both of their needs and wants.

"William... William...!"

"Elise..." William leaned forward and kissed the corner of her lips before nuzzling their noses together. "Elise... hn.... My beautiful flower... I love you..."

Hearing those three words, the young woman weakly raised her hand and caressed his face as she mustered a smile. A smile that is only meant for him. "S-So do I... hah... I love you...W-William... P-Please... hic... don't leave me..."

He closed his eyes and nuzzled his cheek on her hand before kissing her palm.

"I promise. I won't leave you, Elise."

Thinking back, the first time he embraced her was weeks ago.

It was like a sudden rush of emotion, an impulse, to be even more intimate with the woman. How that one single night in the study room after she played the piano for him, escalated from a simple hug to a short kiss and to a torrid kiss... William could only say that he felt the need to be with her even closer growing stronger.

He never felt this strongly before. He is always patient and yet, the day he finally confessed to her turned him into someone who would always seek her warmth and attention. It was only subtle and barely noticeable from others except Elise, but he had to admit he loses his composure whenever he is with his woman.

On that night, he didn't go even further until he asked for her permission.

To his surprise, she immediately answered a yes, but it was followed by a mad blush on her face.

He told her that it will be painful and she might bleed (since she never slept with anyone) but she still gave her consent and allowed him to embrace her. And so he did.

Despite all that rush, he was still very gentle in handling her body.

Experience-wise, William also never slept with anyone and he was a little hesitant to admit that he even resorted to books in order to fully grasp the feelings of embracing someone (Elise also did the same).

Hell, William even asked Moran when he was just thirteen how to have sex with someone out of curiosity. (Moran literally spewed his whiskey all over the expensive carpet from the unexpected question.)


He could feel her shuffling in his arms as she looked up at him drowsily with semi-closed eyes. Elise didn't realize she looked a little adorable as she tries to keep herself awake. Once she did finally drive away her drowsiness, she smiled at him.

"Good morning, William."

He smiled back and brushed away her brown curls off her cheek. "Good morning, Elise. How do you feel?"

She snuggled closer to his chest. "A little sore, but I feel wonderful. What about you?"

"I feel wonderful as well." He tells her before letting out a low chuckle. "I'm sorry I made you skip dinner."

It was more like he's amused rather than guilty, which made her smile. She raised a finger and placed it on his lips. "Mhmm. It's fine. Rather, I feel bad that Louis-nii-sama probably waited for us. I was surprised he didn't call us last night."

He hummed in agreement. "It's more like he learned his lesson to avoid an awkward situation. Fufufu. My brother can be adorable at times."

He thinks that but, he only meant that one time Louis misunderstood when he saw them on the bed together, where William and Elise only slept together. Louis expression was amusing and adorable that time and the older blonde felt a little bad for putting him in that situation.

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