Going home♡chapter 7♡

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Tw, Homophobic stepdad,slight abuse(maybe),knifes,and blood.

Tommy's pov
I was really scared about going home cause my stepdad is extremely homophobic and he'll kill me if he found about me dating a guy no one knows what he is like always yelling and beating my mom. Me and my mother are to scared to say anything specifically to my Uncle Phil but I knew that they would find out someday. I didn't today would be the day they would find out

(Huge time skip when Tommy is home)

I got home around noon and luck for me he isn't here. I found my mother in the kitchen she turns around to greet me and I can clearly see a black eye and a gash on her face.

'Mom did he do that to you' I asked her I already knew the answer.

'Yes Matthew did this Tom but don't worry I'm okay' she said I was so angry that I couldn't protect my own mother from a person like him.

'Mom please leave him while we can' I tried to reason with her

'Tommy you know we can't' she said not convinced.

Than our hearts stopped he was home my told me run to my room and lock the door so I did. All I could hear yelling and screaming than my worst fear came true my mother screamed for help and than silence I was so scared to even move. He came and busted through my door to beat me.

Phil's pov

It's been a long time since I seen my sister. Me and my sons outside the house hearing screams and pleads to stop Techno kicked in the door and there was my beautiful little sister gone(Now if your triggered by knifes please don't read) with a knife in her heart I had tears in my eyes. Then I realized Tommy's stepdad was here I ran upstairs to find a man beating my nephew repeatedly hitting and kicking him I was so pissed first he killed my baby sister and now this Techno was much than him so Techno grabbed him threw him off of Tommy Wilbur called 999( If anyone is British please tell me if this ain't the right number I'm American and don't know) The house was a murder scene. Tommy was in the hospital for a month and half. I told everyone and they all flew over to see him. Ranboo was a mess so was Tubbo they never left his side while in the hospital.

Author's pov(WuW)

Tommy's been living with his Uncle and two cousins since his mother's death Tommy couldn't forgive what he did. Ranboo also been living with them and Techno and Wilbur are not happy but they want Tommy to be happy so they try. Tommy and Ranboo are planning to move out when they get of school when they get older.

Is Tommy  free from is abusive stepdad? Does he finally have his happy ending? Or will his life a dramatic turn for the worst who knows. Maybe you can help him by reading his story.

The end


Omg another book coming soon what I did is I put a opening chapter of my new book called ' Will I ever be free from him' I really hope you enjoyed this book please comment and vote Thank you all so much for reading Till next time readers.


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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