Strange Encounter

Começar do início

Hermione walkd near the bed, jumping on it as she gave a loud, audible moan.


"Knew you were shagging!"

"Oops." said Hermione with a sly smirk. She went into a fit of giggles at the look of disbelief on Y/N's face, clutching her side that was hurting slightly from her laughter.

"Okay. Now let's get to London." spoke Hermione, her tone now very business-like.

"Bossy much." said a completely exasperated Y/N.

"You love me."

"Bossy and overconfident much."

"You still love me."

And she didn't dare deny it.


Y/N and Hermione were walking around in London, trying to find a way to get the bushy haired girl back to her home.

Y/N stuffed her hands in her pockets, looking down on the floor, wearing a smile as she listened to the bushy haired girl ramble.

Hermione looked down, trying to catch her gaze, a bewildered expression plastered on her freckled face.

"What?" she asked, her eyes puzzled and subtly self-conscious, wondering if she said something wrong or embarrassing.

"Nothing." stammered Y/N, burying hrr hands further in her pockets as the cold breeze hit her red face.

"Oh for Godric's sake, give me your hand." instructed Hermione with a shake of her head, stopping them in their tracks as she held out her hand.

Y/N, bewildered. Cautiously placed her hand on top of Hermione's. The bushy haired girl however, simply intertwined their fingers together, walking once again.


"Oh my god! It's her!"

"Their hands are locked, is that Emma's girlfriend?"

"What the—"

Several people approached them, spitting out questions and requests from asking for autographs to asking for selfies.

"I'm sorry— I think you got the wrong person." said Hermione, trying to get through the crowd of people that just came up to them.

She let out a whimper as more people huddled close, not listening to a single thing she said. She glanced up at Y/N, giving her a meaningful look and squeezed her hand gently, trying to get her attention.

"Get out of the way!" retorted Y/N with a sigh of frustration, her grip on Hermione's hand tightening as they both tried to fight out of the crowd.

"I just saw Emma Watson in the coffee shop—"

"But Emma is here outside—"

"I am not Emma!" shrieked Hermione angrily, stomping her feet on the ground out of frustration, her bushy hair sticking to her face.

Y/N watched her out of the corner of her eye, a snicker leaving her lips at the bushy haired girls childish demeanor.

"Oh my god. This couldn't get any weirder." groaned Y/N, seeing Emma Watson stepping out of the coffee shop, approaching them.

Y/N don't fangirl, don't fangirl, don't fangirl, DON'T FANGIRL.

"Hey, you look quite familiar. Almost like someone I know." joked Emma, looking at the bushy haired girl next to Y/N.

"What the— I'm sorry, what's happening?" said a very lost Hermione, looking from Y/N to Emma to her own reflection on the coffee shop's window.

"Is the Brightest Witch of Her age confused?" teased Y/N.

"Wait are you actually?—" gasped Emma.

"Yes." Hermione squeaked out.

"Oh my god." said Emma in astonishment, a laugh leaving her lips. "I thought we looked too much alike! I didn't think that you were actually— but how?"

"We're trying to figure that out right now." replied Y/N, biting her bottom lip down in attempt to behave herself.

"Would you like to have a cup of coffee? My treat." offered Emma with a warm smile, the corners of her eyes crinkling.


"No. She's busy. We're busy." snapped Hermione, looking up at Y/N, her grip on her hand quite painful at this point. "Right, Y/N?"

"Absolutely." sighed Y/N.


"Okay, so in the book it says that we need to stay here till midnight at the full moon." read Hermione as they made their way to an abandoned garden.

"So, basically in around fifteen minutes?" said Y/N, looking down at the watch on her wrist as Hermione gave a hum in response.

They sat down on the cold grass, looking up at the night sky.

"Don't you find the stars so fascinating?" asked Hermione, looking up at the stars with utter adoration.

"Not particularly." said Y/N in a dull tone, her face slightly scrunched up.

Hermione rolled her eyes and continued to look up at the stars. Not realising that the only thing that Y/N found fascinating was her.

Their eyes suddenly met, and there was no more needed to be said, for invisible fireworks had exploded in their eyes at eachothers sight.

"Dance?" asked Y/N, standing up as she held out her hand to the girl on the floor.

"Hm. Perhaps you deserve one for helping me and tolerating me all this time." agreed Hermione, taking her hand as she stood up.

She flung her arms around her neck, Y/N's hands travelling down, circling them around Hermione's waist as they slowly started swaying under the stars.

"I'm actually quite glad that I met you." admitted Hermione.

But this wasn't how it was supposed to go.

The bushy haired girl looked up at her eagerly, anticipation clear in her eyes, silently begging her to say something back.

Ron observed her from afar, a slight wave of worry overcoming him as he watched the bushy haired girl dance. Alone.

Even the stars were cruel enough to seperate the people that were made for eachother.

"Till next time, Granger."


My Mudblood (GxG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora