➭Chapter 16: Youth

Start from the beginning

"Thanks, it was kept just for you" The smirk was erased from the man's face.

"Watch your words you son of a bitch. I'm your superior and the only reason you're still alive now is because I decided to" Now there was an authority on his tone and it sent chills to his spine. "Same with you boyfriend, there"

"When will all this stop, huh? You have your cure, you can cure yourself the times you want. Isn't that enough? You're still punishing him, when all he did was save his friends. After all, you deserve that more than him" Newt let out the words before he could contain himself, immediately regretting when the man's face twitched with fury.

"I think none of you understand the real truth here. Because when what you call so proudly you 'hero' was supposedly saving you, all WCKD was slowly losing its reputation. Ironic, isn't it? The only organization looking for a cure, and all was ruined by one little bastard born with a gift he didn't deserve." There was something reflected on Randall every time he talked about Thomas. Because he seemed to hate him, with all his self. It was a sickening type of hate, almost obsessive. He looked like Janson, or any other person reaching the past gone with the Flare.

"They didn't follow Thomas because he saved his friend. They followed him because he brought us all hope. Because he was the point of the view from a person who live the inside of WCKD more than anyone, and understood what they were really up to. Killing a whole generation just to save yourselves. The whole future of this fucked up world. Selfish"

"Listen to me, piece of shit. What you got there inside of what you know as brain, is all influenced by that boyfriend of yours, the same that let you exposed to the Flare, and almost killed you. So you have no opinion in this, did you understand it?" Randall looked pleased with his speech, but he also looked like a maniac with a lot of power on his hands, and he didn't know how to manage it.

"Got it" Newt tried to speak like he didn't care, but deep inside he did. "Can I go?"

"Feel free"


It was already the afternoon when his anxiety reached another whole level. He was currently putting on a simple navy jacket on, trying to ignore the WCKD letters on it, and his hands just couldn't stop trembling. They were only less than an hour before the blow and he was preparing himself for it.

He hid the 9mm. pistol on his hip supported but the waist of his trousers, and tied his trainers. Hopefully this would be the last time he prepared for a mission like this. Not because he wasn't gonna make it, it was because he would find a peaceful life if everything turned up successfully.

"N... New... Newt?" A voice interrupted his thoughts, a voice coming from the two way radio laying on his bed. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I hear you" He answered as soon as he grabbed the device, "Loud and clear"

"Good..." Ava said, "We are twenty minutes away from the distraction, are you ready?"

"I am ready"

"Alright, wait for my signal" She ordered and he heard a muffled noise in the background. He figured she was going somewhere.

"Good luck"

"You too" He said before the communication was cut.

He sat on the edge of his bed with his backpack already on his shoulder and the radio held tightly in the palm of his hand. His legs bouncing up and down erratically. He stared at the floor, and then at his room. He wished this was the last time he'd see this room. And that his next room would be the hut Thomas had told him about.

He stared at the watch on his wrist Ava provided him with.

"Ten minutes"

He mumbled to himself. He rubbed his face in an attempt to calm himself down. He wondered how it would be once they get out of here. How the Safe Haven really is in person. The beach. The people.

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