1 - Happy Birthday

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"Yeppeuda...(pretty...)" he said as he stare closely to her photo

"But why does she looks....okay....even without me...?" Taehyung said in his mind

"Is she not missing me???!" now he cannot control his mouth anymore.He is really pissed.  His 51 y/o driver/body guard heard him

"Woah, Ms. Chou Tzuyu is still ignoring you, Sir?" his driver asked

"Ne!(Yes!) And  I dont even know why! The last time we were together, she knew and she felt how crazy I am for her! I dont know what the fvck happened, she just started to ignore me after that day!" Taehyung exclaimed

"What did you exactly do the last you talked to her?" The driver asked

"I was so clingy to her that day....." he remembered

"Aish! Did I kissed her so hard that it hurted her?! Did I became too clingy that it irritates her already?!" taehyung said worriedly

The driver laughed. " Maybe that was the reason" the driver said while still holding his laugh

"I just love her so much and I want her to feel it....why would she get angry to that? " taehyung stared at her selca again

"and her lips seems okay today....I think my kiss was just right....and gentle...that time..." he said in his mind

"What if she's just really busy? They are preparing for their comeback right?" The driver said

"But its even my birthday yesterday. How could she ignore me this much?" Taehyung wondered

"Her caption from her latest photo didnt even have any secret signs or hints that she is greeting me" he said

Tzuyu's bubble selca caption: Kaya and butter took a shower today 😄

"But she dyed her hair purple today, is she  saying 'borahae' to me?" Taehyung innocently asked "Goddamn it,  Im so delusional!" he immediately thinks

The driver laughed at him "She is already your girl, you are not delusional anymore"

"She is my girlfriend but she's ignoring me even at my birthday? What kind of relationship is that?" Taehyung exclaimed

The driver shook his head "tsk tsk tsk, young couples nowadays"


They finally arrived at Taehyung's apartment.

Taehyung sighed as he looked at his gloomy apartment from the outside. The lights inside are usually open and glowing outside when Tzuyu is there before. But now, it is so dark and so lifeless.

"Why is she doing this to me? Why now? I understand that she's busy...but its my birthday week....how can she resist me like that?" He said in his mind while looking outside his gloomy apartment

Taehyung's Home (COMPLETED) TaetzuWhere stories live. Discover now