The new student

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Author's pov
You were running as if you were in a Olympic race, you ran & ran. You Finally reached your class and saw that teacher was not there yet. You quickly grabbed a place beside your bestie, sera.

Sera- hey girl, again late today?
Y/n- yup, I woke up late and ran for school. If I would have ran this much in Olympic games, I am damn sure that I would have won a gold medal.
Sera- you are lazy AF, I wonder how you always top in school.
(She said that in a teasing tone)
Y/n- Being lazy doesn't mean that one is not good at studies, besides I study with full focus, not like you who is half the time dreaming about her prince charming, who God knows when you will meet him.
Sera- well let's end it here, I know I cant beat you in arguments like this, and I have a good news to share.
Y/n- What?
Sera- well, when I was on my way to the class, I heard some students talking that there's a new boy who has taken admission here and he is pretty handsome!
Y/n- so what's good in that? I mean taking admission is a normal thing. Isn't it? And why are you so much excited about it?
Sera- you are really a boring girl, I wonder how we became friends, considering the fact that we are totally opposite to each other.
Y/n- If you are done with your 'good news' would you mind telling me when the class will start because its already 8:45, had the teacher said anything that the class will be late today?
Sera- yup, class will start anytime soon now, the teacher said that since, its the first day for the new boy he wanted to tell him something related to classes and all that stuff, you know.
Y/n- whatever.

After few minutes you saw that the teacher was coming towards your class with a boy.
As soon as they entered the class, everyone started shouting and hooting, while you were busy reading your book. The teacher calmed everyone down and, told the new boy to introduce himself.

Jin- Hi everyone I am Kim seok-jin, your new classmate and its my first day with you all here. I hope we will become good friends.

The new boy introduced himself while you were still in your book land. Suddenly sera tapped your shoulders and said:

Sera- Atleast look at him for once.
You looked at him and then again started reading.(Sera was so done with you at this point).

While other girls were busy staring at him like there's no tomorrow, you on the other was busy in your book world. Reading that damn book. It was not like that you were always busy in studying, you enjoyed your life to the fullest and studied as well. It was just you don't want to do what others are doing. You didn't wanted to be like everyone else staring at the boy and shouting like crazy. You are different.

After jin was done introducing himself, the teacher was deciding that where should he fix jin's seat, as he was a new student and this seat would remain fixed for the rest of the year.
To be continued.......

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