Chapter 1 - Psychic Reawakened

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Note: This is probably obvious, but you need to watch all of Saiki to read this fic. And by that, I mean reawakened as well (the season with only 6 episodes). I mean, if you're reading this, you've probably already watched it. Hope you enjoy reading!

A few hours had passed since the meteor threatened Japan, destroying everyone in Saiki's city. Of course, thanks to a certain psychic, the crisis was averted. Everything should come to an end by now, but good grief... A continuation to this? Why is this author so interested in him? He would rather his disastrous life come to an end.

Seems like there's more in store for our psychic.

He stared at the ceiling, lying on his bed as he tried to ignore the sounds of all the noise his telepathy gave him. Good grief, if there was anything he wanted back from an average person, it'd definitely be the ability to actually experience silence. He had a really eventful day tomorrow too, he had to get some shut-eye. No doubt everyone is gonna be talkative tomorrow because they survived a crisis.

And by an eventful day, he means every day. Unfortunately for him, he's been cursed to people that constantly annoy him day after day, and no matter what he tries, he can't escape them.

Well, maybe they're not so bad...

Still, sometimes he likes peace and quiet-

Still, sometimes he likes peace and quiet. Sometimes he regrets losing the germanium ring. He recalled the time that he had given it up on New Years.

Maybe it's time to return to the status quo. A celebratory give in exchange for saving everyone from the meteor, he thought. He grabbed some yen from his wallet, apporting the germanium ring back into his hand. Psychic powers can be convenient after all. He slipped it onto his finger with a satisfied smirk. 

"Ah, Kusuo! Having fun being a psychic again?"

Saiki recoiled back from the sudden noise, only to see his annoying brother standing before him. "Why are you in my room?"

"Do I need a reason to say 'hello' to my brother?" he shook his head disappointedly as he put his hands on his hips. "Nah, just kidding. I have reasons to be here. Can't you use telepathy?- Oh wait, I have my telepathy canceller anyways!"

"Really had to rub it in my face, huh?" Saiki sighed as he gave a blank expression. "I can't even use telekinesis right now. I figured out how to cancel it." He pointed to the germanium ring on his finger.

"Oh, seriously? Then... I have a pretty good idea how to crush you..." he put his index finger and thumb to his chin as he got an idea. He instantly recognized the stone, no doubt due to his vast knowledge.

'Is that really something to say to your brother?'

"But anyways, how convenient! You know, I kinda failed with cancelling your powers, so sorry about that" he punched his head and put out his tongue. "Oh yea, congrats to being special again! And thanks for blocking that meteor, that was close! I could only think of 3 possible solutions to save Japan..."

Saiki wanted to punch him.

"What are your reasons for being here?" Saiki took a seat at his table, resting his palm against his cheek.

With a smug grin, Kusuke pulled out a pair of glasses from his lab coat pocket.

"Wow, thanks," Saiki thanked him, despite his face showing no appreciation. His voice had no tone as he thanked him.

"Come on, don't judge a book by its cover. I haven't even explained its purpose yet!" he said, slightly offended as he handed him the pair of glasses. Saiki took a moment to observe them, they weren't so different from his normal pair. Lenses with a nice tint of green with a white frame.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now