Chapter One

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It was the first day of school for the stronghold twins, Will and Serena Stronghold. The children of Steve and Josie Stronghold, are the best realtors in their hometown Maxville well at least when the city wasn't in danger because when it was they were known as The Commander and Jetstream, awesome names right? The guardians and one of the many superheroes of the world, with the Commander's strength and invulnerability he can smash through nearly anything while the Jetstream's sonic flight ability and her mastery of hand-to-hand combat makes her a lethal fighting machine. You might be wondering that since the parents had powers so would the children. Sadly that is where you would be wrong. Neither of the kids had powers and were upset about it because they felt that they were nothing but failures in their father's eyes. But that didn't stop them from trying every day to gain their powers. Will took a head-on approach trying to lift weights to gain strength like his dad while Serena decided to learn about combat and even witchcraft to see if that will help her understand. "Will! Serena!" Their father yelled out for them, "come on buddies, let's get moving."

Serena looks over herself in the mirror, making sure her black hair was curled into beach waves, her dark eyeshadow was perfect for her along with her nude lip, and her clothes were how she wanted them to be. Not her dad and not her mom. How she wanted them to be was to show off her gothic look without trying too hard. She wore a black and white striped tank top with ripped black skinny jeans and high-heeled purple combat boots. "Perfect," She told herself and walked out of her room with her bag in tow. When she got downstairs, she saw her mom talking to Layla. "Hey flower child." She greeted her friend.

"Hey, shadow girl." The redhead greeted the gothic girl. "Love the outfit."

"I like your's too, very earthy." Serena smiled at her friend before drinking some juice and eating her breakfast to which her earthy friend cringed in disgust. "What?"

"How can you eat that stuff?" Laya groaned. "I mean you are eating a dead animal."

"And you eat dead plants." the dark-haired girl rebutted causing her friend to shut up.

"Good point." Laya mockingly bowed to the girl in defeat.

"Wow, you lost to my sister?" Will asked sitting down at the table. "That's a first," he comments before he drinks his juice.

The sound of a phone ringing filled the air. Josie thought it was her phone and answered but the line was dead, that's when Steve held up the 'hero' phone. "Josie it's the other one." He told her before answering. "Go." He listened to the person on the other end before hanging up the phone and saying. "There's trouble downtown." he looked to his wife. "Big trouble."

Josie groaned out. "Oh, I wanted to walk the kids to the bus." She admitted before trying to embarrass the twins but was pulled away by her husband.

"Oh kids, most students at sky-high only have one super parent, not two, so take it easy on them, huh? No showing off"

Serena rolled her eyes after her dad's comment. "Yeah, dad we got it."

"Yeah, we'll keep it low key" her brother confirms before their parents left. Will looked at his sister. "Do you have to be like that with them? You know we don't have our powers yet."

"I find it annoying that it seems that powers are all dad cares about. I fricking won first place in not one but three writing contests in our junior high. I am on the fast track to getting into any college with a scholarship but all he cares about is when I will get my powers." Serena snapped at her brother. "He may be a superhero to the rest of the world but for us, I would like it better if he would just be a proud dad. Mom is happy about my awards, she praises me for them but dad? All he says is 'Good Job, I bet your powers will be amazing.'" Layla placed a hand on her friend's shoulder causing the girl to calm down. "I don't care if I get my powers because I will never know if dad is proud of me because of them or not." She emptied her plate and placed it in the sink before grabbing her bag, "I'm gonna wait for the bus. You two have fun." She tells them before walking out of the house. She walked to the corner of the street and sighed. She didn't mean to snap at her brother but she was tired of how her dad just seemed to be obsessed with superpowers and being the best. She would love to have powers but like she told her brother, she wouldn't know if her dad was proud of her because of her or because of her powers.

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