Chapter 1

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(y/n Pov)

I joined the Avengers a couple months after the battle in Sokovia. I was training to be an FBI Agent and was top in my class. Not because I was gifted in any way I just pushed myself to get where I needed to be. So when Nick Fury offered me a position to train under him to become an Agent for the Avengers, I was ecstatic to accept. I was already skilfully trained in self defence and martial arts. What Fury trained me for was serious undercover operations and missions the Avengers have to deal with. I was quick to learn and worked my way up.

The Avengers quickly became like a family to me, especially Wanda Maximoff we both understand each other, that's what made her and I close. The only person who seemed to resent me was Captain Steven Rogers, America's golden boy. He never fully accepted me and hopped on any excuse to take my head off. But I never took any of his shit, still don't. I gave him a reason to hate me. I'm cheeky and test him out in the field. I know it's childish but it's actually amusing seeing how riled up he gets. But let's get this story started.

I was on a mission with Rogers, Sam and Wanda. A local gang planned to attack the medical centre and take a biological weapon to do god knows what. We got the heads up and Fury sent us in. Of course Rogers wined like a little bitch about bringing me but agreed knowing I'm good at what I do. So me and Wanda are sitting at separate tables undercover outside a small coffee shop. "y/l/n? Maximoff? Do you copy?"I hear Steve say into the ear piece. "Copy" Wanda replies, "Copy Captain Hard Ass" I tease. I see Wanda smirk from across the cafe. "y/l/n don't start your shit now" Steve snaps. I smirk "ooh I love it when you talk dirty Rogers". I hear Steve let out a frustrated sigh. "I love being able to read minds" Wanda smugly chimes in and I wink at her.

I continue to sip my coffee while discretely looking around for the trucks the gang would be travelling in. Sam finally joins the comms and says "I've got them in sight, heading towards the medical centre".
Time to get serious, "I'll tail the trucks" I tell the team. "Meet us there y/l/n" Steve orders.

I get up slowly trying not to catch anyone's attention, I walk over to my motor bike and swing one leg over the side. I start the engine waiting for the trucks to turn the corner. I see them, 3 trucks and realise I'm gonna need to narrow it down.

I rev the engine and speed off after them. I drive up close behind the two back trucks and take my knife out of my ankle garter. Balancing on the bike I lean over slightly and slash the one of  trucks back tyres. Causing it to slow down and the driver to look back. I groan in annoyance, I didn't want to have to use my gun.I grabbed my gun out of my holster while steading the fast moving bike. I quickly shoot all of the back two trucks tyres causing the trucks to slow down and eventually stop. I see black SUVS and police cars coming behind me to deal with the trucks and I give them a wave speeding off to help the others.

I pull up to the medical centre and jump off my motor cycle. "Started all the fun without me?" I joke into the comms. "I'm concerned at your idea of fun" Wanda's thick accent filling my ear. I chuckle and start to fight off the gang members climbing out of the trucks. "y/l/n the trucks?" Steve asks out of breath from fighting. "They had-" I get cut off by punching a guy, "They has 3 trucks but I took the other two out! Agents and local cops are dealing with them now!" I say while kicking another guy straight in the nuts.

"Good but they got the biological weapon" Steve states. I look around and see Sam and Wanda are busy fighting so take it into your own hands. "I'm on it" you reply.

I  hop back on my bike and follow the two gang members who escaped with the vile of whatever they cooked up in that medical centre. I get closer and see they're heading towards the local markets, I thought immediately of the many innocent civilians and I knew I had to get there fast. The traffic was getting insane so I stood up on my bike and jumped onto the bonnets of angry cab drivers to get through quicker. I jump off and sprint towards the markets after the men who where still in my sight.

Running at full speed I heard Steve order for me to wait for backup but I knew I couldn't. "You know I can't to that Rogers", I jump over crates, "there's too many civilians here!".  "Y/N CAN YOU JUST LISTEN TO MY ORDERS FOR ONCE PLEASE!" he barked in my ear. I was furious with him so I did what I thought was best and switched off my comms. I knew he'd be furious but this was more important.

(Steve POV)

In the middle of me ordering y/n to wait for back up she switched off her ear piece. Which makes my blood boil and she knows it. This isn't the first time she's done it, trust me. "DID SHE TURN OFF HER EAR PIECE AGAIN!" I ask fuming. "She did Cap but you know she means well, Redwing is following her as speak." Sam reassured me.

As I speed towards the markets her discarded motor bike catches my eyes. I hear cab drivers complaining about a "crazy lady" who used there cabs as stepping stones. "Sounds like fucking y/n" I thought to myself. Don't ask me why but she always gets under my skin, like nobody else does. She's the only one who will stick up to me and as much as I hate to admit it, it's attractive. But I don't let those thoughts in ever, she's a disobedient brat and she's in for it this time.

I run through the market frantically looking for her, then I see her. In a triangle with two other men both pointing guns at y/n, one holding the vile of liquid and y/n pointing her gun at them. Fear overcomes me as she bravely faces them, I know I can't go over. She'll only get distracted and Sam is lowering RedWing behind the man holding the vile. "DROP THE GUN" one of the men orders, a smug smile appears on her face as she sees RedWing. "Now Sam" I order. Redwing shoots the man holding the vile and at practically the same time y/n shoots the other man. She dives down and grabs the vile just before it hits the floor, springing back up she flips her long hair to one side and thanks RedWing and and Sam. That was pretty damn hot I can't deny but I'm still raging with her. I head towards her.

"Agent y/l/n you can be smug now but your still in serious shit for disobeying my direct orders!" I bellow across the market while storming towards her. Her smirk drops instantly and she turns to face me, her eyes fiery with rage. I tower over her small frame but she still holds herself high locking her eyes with me, our bodies dangerously close. I could smell her captivating perfume. Her hair was wild and messy from all the action, loose pieces fell on her slightly bruised face. Blood trickled from her plump bottom lip. She noticed I saw it and licked the blood away, sending thoughts to my brain. This woman was so beautiful there's no denying it, but she's just so damn stubborn. Shit I thought to myself as I admired the fuming woman below me.

1362 words
First Chapter Attempted!! Hope you guys enjoyed, this is a slow burn but it will get juicy and good soon guys don't worry!
I love you alll!!!!❣️🦋

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