2: new home

285 2 5

tw: cigarette smoking

y/n's pov:

I arrived at the airport and there was half a hour left until my plane leave, it will leave at 1pm, I've played some games at my phone until I heard my plane was about leave

I got up and walked until the indicated gate, it was at 3B, God I can't wait to finally get in Mexico! I'll be there in 12 hours and it'll be one of the longest flights I've ever had in my whole life

I've got in a comfortable position and slept for a while since I haven't slept well today

When I woke up we had only 16 minutes left to be finally landing at Mexico

When those minutes passed by I couldn't believe that my dream was finally coming true, I'm going to live alone in another country that's crazy!

I got my suitcases and realized it was 6:34am here, while at London was 1:34am, I'll need to be careful if I want to send any message to my grandparents...

I called a taxi and went to the house I had bought around a month ago

I got my keys and unlocked the door, finally being able to see how the house of my dreams was in real life... I worked a lot to buy this house with my own money since I didn't wanted my grandparents to spend their money with me...

The house already had all the needed furniture which was good, it was Sunday and the school was probably closed right now so I'll get all my stuff tomorrow

I started unpacking my stuff and it took longer than I thought it would, right now it's 1pm... I decided to call my grandparents telling that I arrived safely

They answered the phone almost immediately, which got me surprised since I usually needed to call twice to get an answer

"Hey! I know I didn't had to, but I'm calling to tell you that I arrived safely and already unpacked my stuff" I said

"Hey sweetie, we're glad to hear that, now you should rest a little bit, I bet you're tired after a long flight and unpacking your stuff" I heard my grandma say in the other side of the phone

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired but I'm hungry as well, it's 1pm so I guess there will be any restaurant opened, I'll take it as a chance to know the city a little bit better" I said yawning, my grandma was always right, she knew me too well

"Okay, but after getting your lunch rest a little bit, alright?"

"Alright, bye, already miss ya!"

"Bye darling, enjoy your day" they said together as they hung up

'Alright I should search for a restaurant now' I thought grabbing my phone and searching a good restaurant at Google

I saw some restaurants and the food they had as well and there were a lot of good looking foods which even got me hungry

I went outside and followed my gps until a restaurant that wasn't that far away from my house I got there in a 10 minute walk

I asked for some food and also a drink and after some minutes the food arrived and looked so good and tasted so good as well

After 30 minutes I paid for the food and left the restaurant walking at the streets for a while, in my way back home I saw a little park and decided to walk a little bit there

I went to the swing and stayed there for a while, the park was empty, there was just me so I got my cigarette box and lighted one of them

I felt very relaxed, I haven't smoked in a week because of my grandparents and also because I had no time since I was packing my stuff

Every time that I smoked it felt like I was in the space floating a billion miles away from the world, miles away from my troubles, it wasn't easy to put on a smile in my face everyday...

People knew me as a social person who was always happy and always got everyone smiling but when I was alone I just wasn't like that, I was always locked in my bedroom crying and missing my parents...

The parties are my distraction, my friends... well I don't feel like I have any right now... But they were so nice to me

When I was alone it felt like the world was different... no one around me, just my problems reminding me how weak I was...

Well it was getting kinda late so I went in my way back home I went inside and grabbed a towel and went to the the backyard, it was a sunny day and it was pretty warm so I decided to take a little bit of sun

I've placed the towel in the grass and lay down there for some minutes still smoking, and scrolling at my social media

I looked at the time and already was 5pm so I grabbed my towel and got inside again, sitting down at my couch I realized that I had no one now... my grandparents wanted me to live my life and my friends seemed to forget about me

I felt so lonely again just as when my parents died... I grabbed my phone and searched for 'dog adoption' and found a place pretty nearby

I grabbed my wallet and my keys leaving my house locking the door I got in a 5 minutes walk and got into a store with dog food, beds that were made especially for animals and other animal stuff, I went to the cashier and asked:

"Hey, do you have any animals able to being adopted?"

"Yes, I do! Come with me I'll show them to you" the man said as she started walking

She showed me a 7 of dogs and 2 cats, but my eyes were caught by a little dog that seemed to love me at the first look

"Can I see this one?" I said pointing at the little puppy that seemed the happiest puppy between all of them

"Of course, seems like she loves you already! Which is pretty uncommon coming from that little lady" the man said as he grabbed the little dog

he gave me the puppy and she was pretty happy I'd say, she was giving me a lot of... "kisses"

"I'm gonna adopt her!" I said as I looked down at the puppy in my lap

"Do you need something else from the store?" The man asked

"Yes, I do"

"Alright, if you need any help I'll be here"

"Ok, thanks" I said smiling

I bought dog food, some toys and also some food bowls, after paying for everything I went home with my new friend "Katie" the pug!


(1150 words)

See y'all soon :)

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