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Waking up in the morning was something Sloan looked up too. Every morning she got to see the beautiful boy holding her waist while sleeping. He looked so peaceful and so young. Sloan admired him each morning. This was something she had been doing for months now, at this point she realized that she would never get used to it. Sloan stared at him for a moment.
"You know, I thought your mother would have taught you that staring is creepy."
"I'm not staring..." She said unconvincingly. "I'm admiring the love of my life." He squeezed her waist pulling her closer. He groaned not wanting to wake up. She smiled. Sloan isn't a morning person, but its nothing compare to Drew. He was always ten times worse in the morning. Groaning and complaining about wanting to stay in bed all day. Sloan thought it was cute.
"You're going to have to let me go kind sir. I have scenes to film soon."
"Does that mean I have scenes too? I thought they weren't till later?" Free questioned.
"They are but Jonas needs time to get surfing scenes in before they style me or whatever it's called."
"Ahhhh I see."
     "He wants to film them at this new beach or something. He thinks it will look better."
     "Alright. I love you."
     "I love you Drew." He lifted his head up from the pillow for her to give him a kiss. Once she kissed him he smiled as blush appeared on his face then put his head down again.

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Liked by lily.pate and 1,007,836 others
obx: love working with this girl
tagged: sloanbrooks
sloanbrooks 🔥
lily.pate: yesss
madisonbaileybabe: queen
drewstarkey: she never fails to amaze me
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     "Sloan! Once your hydrated let's get you back in for a couple more shots!" Jonas said.
    "I'm ready whenever y'all are!"
     Madelyn appeared at the beach. Sloan waved at her as she made her way to sit down to watch. Madelyn and Sloan made plans to get lunch after Sloan finishes up. The two girls were always busy on set, and never got alone time, so the girls made a pact to go to lunch every Friday, just the two of them.
     Sloan grabbed her surfboard and made her way to the water and started swimming out. The camera crew was all around her waiting for a wave to pass by.
After waiting a couple minutes the perfect wave came by. Sloan started paddling. As she started paddling she had this weird feeling in her gut. Something was off but she kept going anyway. Sloan thought it was probably just the fact she is still getting used to films. She paddles a little faster then lifts herself up. Right when she lifts up she freezes. Something just happened. She feels numb, almost like she's in shock. She falls off the board immediately. Blood. Everywhere. Running down her lower stomach. She started hyperventilating, she couldn't feel a bone in her body. The water around her grew cold and nausea started to hit. The camera crew starts to see blood fill out from all around her and the board. They all start moving towards her on the jet skies and boats they were filming on.
     "Guys..." She said quietly. Everyone around her was screaming. She saw the fin go down quickly and never appear again. It was so overwhelming, people where in her face making her lay down on her board, which now had a bite mark in. All of a sudden the pain slowly hit, it didn't hurt it just felt weird. People around her were shouting 'get her to shore' and 'call an ambulance, she's in shock!'
     Everything was foggy. Sloan was tempted to close her eyes but Madelyn was by her side telling her to keep them open. Next the blonde girl remembers a car ride to the hospital, and then going into the E.R. From there everything went black.
     Waiting in the Emergency Room we're Jonas, Madelyn, and a couple other crew members. A nurse walked out.
     "She got bitten on the side of her stomach. They need to take a closer look to make sure she'll be okay. The bite doesn't look too bad but she has lost a lot of blood. She's going into surgery right this moment. We will keep you updated soon. In the mean time I suggest you call her parents or family and friends to get here." The nurse stops and walks away.
     "Jonas," Madelyns voice still shaking from the recent event, "You need to call Drew, he needs to be hear right now, so do the rest..." She paused for a minute. "Is she... Is she going to be okay? It looked really bad."
      "I-I don't know Mads...I'll call him right now." Jonas looked angry with himself. He should have just stayed in the normal beach for this scene.
     Jonas walks away to give Drew and the rest of the cast a text.
                                  OBX CAST
(Jonas, Chase, Drew, JD, Austin, Madison, Madelyn, Rudy)
Jonas Pate
I need you all to come to hospital ASAP.
Sloan had a surfing accident while filming.
Shark attack.
                                                                  Drew Starkey
                                                                    Is she okay?           
                                            Is she awake? Breathing?
                                                                       How bad?
Chase Strokes:
We are on our way now.
Jonas Pate:
She's alive, make sure Drew is taking a deep breath.

yeah! | drew starkey Where stories live. Discover now