lil crushy crush

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I am so sorry it has been such a long time since I have written the next part. My great great great grandma's dogs fish died and it affected me in such a bad way so I needed to take a break but, I am back now!!!!!!

After the fight, Alanna and Myriah got suspended for a week. Tate's pussy ass was literally crying every day because he couldn't see Alanna. Michael and Alex started talking about Myriah a lot.  

Alex "So Michael I have a question"

Michael "Uhhh okay?... What is it"

Alex "Are you and Myriah close or what?"

Michael "I mean not really but she's pretty chill why?"

Alex "Because I think I like her...but I don't know because she still seems hung up on Tate and she probably doesn't like me."

Michael "Yeah she probably doesn't"

Alex looked at Michael like 'wtf you slutty bitch" but Michael was only joking, Myriah liked Alex, it was obvious. Every one knew it. 

Myriah and Alanna came back to school the next week. Michael saw Myriah in the morning and pulled her aside

Michael "Yo Myriah, Alec likes youuuuuuu"

Myriah "No he doesn't Michael literally kill yourself oh my god"

Michael "BRUH I'm for real. He told me last week. Date himmmmm"

Myriah "Ughhhh I don't know. I like him but I don't know if I want to be with him"

Michael "Yes you do. Don't even say that-"

All of a sudden you hear Tate screaming from across the courtyard...


Alanna and Tate ran towards each other and hugged each other and crying in each others arms. 

Myriah "I can't believe I dated him and was bestfriends with her"

Michael "Nah you are all weird I could definitely see why you dated him and was friends with her"

Myriah "Michael shut the fuck up"

Later that day Myriah and Alex saw each other during passing periods and they had a conversation about liking each other and if they would date each other....It all went well and they were going to hang out at Alex's house on Friday. 

Fast forward to Friday because the rest of the week doesn't matter

Myriah went home with Alex, they were having a good time together and Alex asked Myriah the big question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex "Will make me happy and be my gf" 

Myriah "Oh my god yesssssss of courseeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Literally not even 5 minutes later a huge rock broke through Alex's window. They picked it up and it said 'fucking whores". They looked outside and there was Tate Woods Standing there bawling his ugly eyes out.


Myriah "Bro actually get the fuck out like what the fuck are you doing here. Go to Alanna."

Alex "I'll be back hold on" 

Alex ran into his parents and brought back something. A MF GUNNNNNNN

Alex killed Tate.

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