Chapter 65

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Weeks somehow breezed by, she'd managed to finish the rest of her uni work before maternity, she'd made her way for her last shift. A large groan left her lips as she turned the engine off "Let's not do this today baby." She looked as a light knock tapped on her window, a smile forming on her lips. She was quick to reach for her bag.

"You look like you could pop." Davina chuckled as she climbed out, "I feel like I'm about too." She groaned, "if he kicks me in the ribs one more time." She hissed, "you ready for him then?" Davina chuckled, "Mhm, it's like he gets his foot right between my ribs... I've had enough." Davina offered a sympathetic smile, "not long now." "Long enough." "You and Jay okay?" "No he's a prick." Connie added, "What's he done?" "He's just a prick... working all the hours in the world or at the gym, he can piss right off." She grumbled.

"Connie." Michale called later that day, "not today." She snipped, picking up a file "no, just could you come to the staff room." "Not really, patients to treat all that... it is a hospital." "Connie please." She rolled her eyes, placing the file down she was quick to follow him. "We all chipped a bit in." Jonathan smiled handing her the bag, she quickly peaked inside a wide grin on her face. "You really didn't have to." She spoke gently, "Thank you." She was quick to add embracing a few people. "Gonna miss you." Michale chuckled, "like a hole in the head." Jonathan teased, a few others joining in. "No, seriously you've been a marvellous help... don't go having this one and give up you're going to make a wonderful surgeon." He spoke honestly, she blinked away the tears that filled smiling "I won't won't."

Somehow she got through her last shift, quick to go and get Grace from school. She opened the door quick to bend down and lift the post as Grace skipped inside, "Mummy I can hear music." Grace frowned, Connie hummed not really listening as she flicked through the letters "But Jacob is at work... there shouldn't be music." She paused now too hearing, "Yeah... you stay here for a minute baby." Connie smiled quick to place the letters down following the music that sounded from upstairs.

"I thought you were working." She frowned, "I wanted to surprise you." He smiled faintly, "I know the nursery's been stressing you out... thought I'd surprise you." He spoke quietly placing the screw driver down and lowering the music, "You said you were working." "It wouldn't be a surprise if I'd have told you." "Thank you." She looked round the room that once housed a small office, "We good?" He added, "it looks lovely-" "I meant us?" Their eyes met, "You've kicked me on the sofa for the past couple nights, I thought maybe we're okay-" "decorating a nursery for our baby doesn't fix things like that." She snipped, "Then what will?" He scoffed "it doesn't matter, we're fine." She groaned wandering back downstairs. "Who was it mummy?" "It's Jacob, he's decorated your brother room, "can I go see?" She asked excitedly "Course you can baby."

He slipped into the kitchen a while later, "talk to me." "I told you were fine." He scoffed gently "pack it in Con... I can't fix something if I don't know the problem." She turned from the stove "The problem is you're never here... always working or at the gym... he's about to be here and I feel just as alone as when she was born. That's the problem." She snipped "Sweetcheeks-" "don't! Don't Sweetcheeks me Jacob." She eyed, "Work-" "it's always work... place is a nightmare." She breathed turning back to the dinner cooking. "I'm sorry." He uttered, she hummed a little her eyes falling to his hands as he moved them around her, placing his chin on her shoulder. "I love you." He uttered, "I love you too." She whispered "I'll be on paternity leave soon." She scoffed a little "Two weeks and then we're back to square one." She sulked, "I'll explain take on less shifts." She hummed a little "I am sorry Con." he spoke kissing her cheek. She grabbed his wrist as he felt him start to loosen.

"I'm sorry too... I'm naggy, I've had enough now." He nodded, "should've said." He teased, "I'm serious." She huffed leaning back into him, "he doesn't stay still, I'm tired, sore- swollen." "Go rest I can finish this off, early night?" She nodded turning she moved her arms round him, gently he swayed them running his fingers through her hair, "go on, put your feet up Sweetcheeks." She nodded a little moving to kiss his lips, before moving to the living room

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