Camp !

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Today, As Mike announced we were going for camping. It was still weird for me. So everyone was packing their stuff for camping as well as me. Elena came into my room and asked me.

Adam Do you need anything ?

I replied smiling :Thank you, But i already packed everything i needed.

She said : Okay, But if you need anything i will be in my room packing my and Mike's stuff. So you can ask me for things there. Oh ! I there is not much time i need to pack the stuff fast !

She left the room and closed the door. After half an hour i got my packing done and i went downstairs and everyone was ready waiting for me. Mike opened the door there were clouds, The weather was really very good. So Mike went towards his car and started the car we all sat into the car and after few hours we reached to a sweet place !

MIke : Okay, Everyone lets get off the car we reached the place.

Everyone got off from the car and we took our stuff with us ! it was like 7 or 8 o clock. The sun was behind the clouds, So it was kinda dark. So first we reached the point and started to set up or camps. Everyone did their camps except me. Because i never did camping as far as i remember ! So Mike came to me.

He said : Do you need help ?

I said Yes, PLEASE !

Then he started to help me and then we set up the camp. Then he told me to come where everyone is sitting. Everyone was talking there and i was still sitting silently ! Mike was telling about how he turned into vampire, and i shocked ! That He was a Vampire and i looked scared. So mike said.

Mike said : Don't Worry, We wont hurt you. Because you are one of us ! You are not an ordinary Human, But a Vampire. I was going to tell you but i forgot. Come here sit and i will tell you. How it started.

Me while shocked sat there silently and Mike started to tell me about this.

Mike: So your Parents and I was neighbour living in a Village called ''Afoi'' One day there was attack of Vampires on our village most of the people died, But your parents survived but turned into Vampires and as well as me and that day before the police could arrive Me and your Parents shifted to another Place, Your Parents and i lived there for many years and few years later you were Born as a Half Vampire, One night we had to shift from that house to somewhere else, While your parents and me were travelling an accident occurred. Your Parents died and only you and me Survived, I took you to an Orphanage and left, Because there were chances i could not give you a better life than the Orphanage. Few years later when i herd about that there are some strange activities in your Orphanage, so i came to get you from there and while you were sleeping yesterday i turned you into a full vampire.

I felt so shocked and also sad to know about my parents. Few tears from my eyes felt on the ground

On this Nina handed me Paper towel to remove my tears from my face and i rushed towards my camp and started to cry ! soon i felt asleep and i dont remember what happend later that night.

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