Chapter 3 - Escaped Death

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Since I'm back on my computer, more chapters will be out! At least every Wednesday, and Sunday! I can write much easier so that means more chapters!

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As your grief hit you in waves, XD was defending you from anyone who tried to get near you. You picked the male up, keeping the totem close to him. You spread your wings, and took off into the air. Landing a short distance away, on top of a nearby clif, lying Technoblade down, you began a spell. The only one capable of reviving a deity. You stood diagonal from him, the tips of your toes just a mere 3 steps away from his side. 

As tears dripped down your face and hit the ground, you summoned a small netherite dagger, and cut your hand open, just enough to allow blood to drip, the dagger disappeared. You kneeled down, and picked his head up, gently opening his mouth, you hovered your bleeding hand over the ground around him. Letting your blood seep into the ground. Healing the small wound, before you stood back up. Closing your eyes, you began to emit a powerful golden glow. You raised your hand to the sky, you sent a golden pillar to the sky, and after the pillar evened out in the sky, a magic circle appeared. It was huge, and drawing attention, Luckily for you XD was holding them all off.  

As you worked, a smaller, identical magic circle appeared under your hand that was hovering over Techno

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As you worked, a smaller, identical magic circle appeared under your hand that was hovering over Techno. Your tears had since dried up, the sun had since set. Causing the surrounding area to be bathed in the moonlight, as well as gold.  Soon enough as you worked your magic, the totem exploded, an array of white and gold particles exploded outwards and sent your dress flowing behind you due to the force signalling it had worked. This spell, draws the soul back into the body in order for a totem to be used, the only one that Y/N does, even though there are more. 

Your hand that was raised towards the sky became two fingers, pointing up, a white collum erupted from your finger tips. As you moved them in a circle, a smaller beam of gold wrapped itself around the larger white one, slowly working its way up to the magic circle. The magic collapsed in on itself, upon contact with the magic sent up. Destroying it in a flurry of sparks and returning any magic that wasn't used for the soul spell thing to you. You dropped your hand to your side. What purpose did the blood serve? It acted as a barrier to ward off souls who weren't the right ones, because then you'd have to do more spells to get it out of Techno's body. Your other hand hovered over his body, still feeding him energy. Once Techno was standing up she dropped her hand. 

She collapsed, into his arms. Her arms around his neck, and his arms around her waist. When XD flew over, who was carrying a very injured Tubbo, Phil was close behind him. Y/N was worn out, to the point she fell asleep in his arms, and reverted back to her 'human' form. So Techno glanced at XD, before picking her up bridal style. "We can go to my Cabin, Ranboo should be waiting." He said to XD who nodded and took of after Techno. Both running incredibly fast even with carrying people. Just the perks of the gods.

Just an hour later, using the nether they were at Techno's house. Tubbo was on the couch, and Philza was standing near the door. Techno & Y/N were up in his room. Techno was beyond worried for you, since well he saw the spell you were performing. He knew it drained your energy quickly and recovering energy was slow as heck. He'd only saw you do it once before and that was on [REDACTED]. Yet they died in the end anyway, you couldn't save them since you already did it once and it takes months to do the spell again.

"What a Goddess." Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now