Chapter 2 - Execution

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As the metal of Netherite clashed together, and arrows rained down upon the group. With extreme precision the only arrow that came close to hurting Techno was one to knock one away from hitting him. As Techno finished Fundy off, he turned to Tubbo, and had him pinned when Y/N lost sight of Quackity. Her wings shot from her back, escaping from the holes in the back of her pulsating armour enchanted to the max. As she spread her wings, taking her axe out and stashing her bow away.

She heard a crunch of snow behind her, flipping around and blocked the oncoming axe coming down on her. She had blocked it with just a second to spare. Throwing the sword back, and turning her full attention to the man behind her. She kept her wings close to her body as her axe clashed with his, eventually he had got her down to the ground. His axe to her neck, Tubbo pinned down beneath Techno. She grimaced, if she exposed her true abilities now, Quackity could figure out who exactly she was, she'd be risking having lots of people after her. So she decided to just to take the axe to her throat, knowing full well it can't kill her.

As Tubbo screamed for help, Quackity screamed back, "Technoblade! Drop everything, or this woman dies here!" He screamed, upon realizing he was threatening Techno you screamed over him, "Don't do it! He can't do anything to me! You know this!" You screamed. You spotted a crow sitting in a tree, it was one of Phil's. Techno looked distraught. He could risk exposing Y/N to Quackity if he wasn't lying. Standing up he pointed his axe at him. "You leave her out of this. She did nothing wrong." He hissed out, venom dripping from his voice.

Unfortunately, Quackity wasn't kidding. He pressed his axe close to your neck and barely slid it across it, causing some of your blood to run down his axe. "Drop everything." Quackity hissed back, no where near with the amount of venom. Techno hissed, before placing an ender chest and equipping his armour and stashing his weapons and armour. Only keeping his usual items, crown & cape. You hopped he kept the totem you just created. If not you could easily make a new one and give it to him secretly.

"NO! TECHNO! THEY WANT YOU DEAD! DON'T LET THEM WIN!" You screamed, Tubbo had restrained Techno's hands with a rope infused with Netherite to keep him from being broken. They all thought that Techno was a piglin-hybrid, not a god, let alone the one people call him. You said screamed as Quackity applied immense pressure to one of your pressure points, causing you to pass out.

Techno was then promptly dragged away like a pet, all while screaming at them to at least put you in his home, so you wouldn't freeze to death. Unfortunately they didn't listen. You weren't the least bit bothered by extreme cold, it was extreme hot that got to you. You woke up just as they were half way, so you were lying there for approximately 30 minutes since they used the nether.

Groaning as you rolled onto your back. You sat up in the snow surrounding his home, since you weren't in your bed, you had all of your gear and things. Rubbing your temples, as you stood up. The wind had picked up causing your H/L H/C hair to flow back. As you de equip your armour, you spread your wings and took off, going to the nether would risk you being seen so you decided to just fly there. It was rather easy to get to L'Manburg from Techno's cabin since the air had little to no obstacles to avoid.

You arrived and landed on the mountain. Shifting to your goddess form, causing you to get taller then every single mortal, only DreamXD was taller still. You had 4 wings in this form. Two larger ones, and two smaller ones. Your clothing changed, from a sleeveless top, skinny jeans & some regular boots. Into more of a fancy style. You now wore a white dress, it reached the ground just barley brushing the ground, it also had a golden belt and a red cape, identical to the one Techno wore, since, well he gave it to you. She also wore some white strappy heels, and a thin crescent moon hovering behind her head.

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