3: She's dying

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Everything is blurred. Her vision, the sounds coming from the cars, the screaming children, and the siren's in the distance. She can't focus on anything.

Everything is numb. Her pinned legs, the pole sticking out of her shoulder, the cuts on her face and body, her arm snapped and hanging out the window. She can't feel anything 

Everything is trying. Her heart trying its hardest to pump blood, her blood trying to clot to stop her from blooding out, the brain trying to stop her from feeling pain, the first fighters trying to get to her car, the paramedics trying to revive the other people involved in the accident. But it's not enough.

She can feel reality slowly disappearing.

Everything is fading in and out.

She's dying.

She's dying.

She's dying.

Or at least that's what she's telling herself. As her life flashes before her eyes, tears escape them. She realizes she deserved more than the toxic banter between her and Costia. She deserved more than being abandoned. She deserved more than all the pain that she had been through. She deserved a better life, she deserved a happy and more adventurous life.

She turns her head towards the far window. Pain rings in her shoulder. She sees a blur of black and yellow. She hears muffled words but can't make them out. As memory's from her childhood start to flash in her mind she sees flashes of blonde hair, a smile that always brought joy where ever it was, blue eyes she would get lost in way too often. When she was happy.

She wants to be happy again.

"live your life be happy." a voice in her head says. She has to at least try. She opens her eyes once again. She can almost make out what she seeing. She can almost understand what she is hearing. She can almost understand what she is feeling she sees red lights flashing, she sees people running she hears a loud siren, she hears people talking, she feels herself being moved, she feels pain everywhere. But trying wasn't enough she loses consciousness once again. Everything fades to black.


The sound of a brush swiping across a canvas and the faded music that can be heard from her earbuds. She's so focused on her painting she doesn't notice the presence of her friends.

"Raven don't you fucking dare you'll scare her to death," Octavia says holding raven back from jumping on top of Clarke. Unfortunately, Octavia's grip on Raven wasn't enough and raven ends up forcing Clarke to the floor along with the painting smudging some of the paint.

Clarke quickly stood up ready to fight off the offender only to see Raven on the ground in pain and Octavia trying to laugh. Clarke glances at her painting and sees ravens handprint smeared across the surface. Rage bubbles in Clarke's chest.

"WHAT THE FUCK RAVEN!" Clarke screams.

"Hi." raven says innocently.


"oh, shit I'm sorry Clarke. Maybe we can help...." Octavia says trying to defuse the situation.

"and how would u do that, a mechanic and a political science major-" Clarke was cut off by the ringing of her phone. "Seriously right fucking now. I swear to god if it's spam again I will kill someone" Clarke picks up her phone and accepts the call. The moment she puts the phone up to her ear a familiar raspy voice speaks.

"Hello, this is nurse Niylah from polis general hospital, Is this Clarke Griffin?" "yes, speaking," Clarke said confused giving raven and Octavia a confused look.

"I'm sorry I have to inform you that Lexa woods was in a car accident, she is stable at the moment but she is going to need surgery." the nurse spoke calmly. Clarke's heart shatters she may have not seen or spoken to the girl since she was a child but Clarke still cares for her, they were best friends; inseparable, cheerful, and caring.

"oh my god... Is she going to be ok? Wait- h-how did you get my number..." Clarke spoke, Raven and Octavia are standing whispering to one another Clarke decides it best to ignore them so she turns around and starts walking through the house.

"we will do our best to keep her stable but she needs to get into surgery as soon as possible, and uh... You are her emergency contact number. I also have you here as her ACD." the second Clarke hears the word emergency contact she remembers when she and Lexa had just turned 18.

Clarke's dad had died a few months before and she and Lexa were about to sign the papers that will make them each other's emergency contact. Blue eyes met with green and they confirmed this is what they wanted. Pens met the paper and it was official they would both be the first to be contacted if anything happened to the other and if the other was unable to decide they would decide in their favor, what they would want.

Clarke snaps back to reality at the sound of the woman's voice. "hello ma'am? Are you there?" 

"uh yeah sorry what do I need to do to get her into the surgery?" raven and Octavia's faces go white when they hear these words. Who? How? When? Where?

"we will need you to sign some papers." The nurse spoke still calm "I'm sorry but I'm currently in Rhode island" Clarke's voice was laced with worry. She was trying her best not to cry as tears flooded her eyes.

"ok, then ill email you the documents and we will need a verbal agreement that she can go into surgery." 

"yes yes please get her into surgery now please." 


 it was 5 am Clarke hadn't slept she was waiting for a phone call from the hospital. Raven and Octavia had gone back to their apartment to get some sleep, Clarke didn't want them to miss sleep. The bright screen from Clarke's computer burned her eyes as she looked for plane tickets to polis. 

A/N: HEYYYYYY IM BACKKKKK sorry for the longgggggggggg break.

i really wanted to write updates but i havnt had the time or motivation but here we are i personally like the story line so far lmk what you think anything you wanna suggest

1000 words :)

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