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I wake up on Sanji's couch, and look up and see eyebrows watching tv and drinking coffee on the other couch. He's only wearing his boxers and a t-shirt. "Cook, why am I in your house?"

"You were not that drunk moss head, you know you were falling asleep in the car and I let you crash on my couch."

I roll my eyes and look at my phone. I have a text, it's a picture of y/n in my shirt "hm i don't think this is mine, hope i can find it's owner 🤔😋". "Y/n texted meeeeeee", I smirk at Sanji. Sanji's eyes widen, "What did she say??!" I chuckle, "What? Are you jealous or something idiot? Obviously she would text me... look at me!" Sanji stares as I'm sitting there in just my shorts. I notice his eyes exploring my body, but he quickly snaps out of it and scoffs, "She texted me too, cocky asshole". "Woah, you're quite fiesty there cook", I say with a smirk. The air got awkward, You guys don't usually get along that well, "What did they put in my drinks last night?" I think. I quickly say something to fill the silence, "So, y/n was cute as hell". "Yeah, she was." Sanji replied. I snap at him "She's mine, stupid cook". We make eye contact, Sanji smirks, "Nah I think we'll share". My heart skips a beat, "Share?? Are you crazy?". "I just might be", Sanji says.

"Whatever curly brow, you're weird and you're stupid, I'm gonna head out."


You get out of bed and head to the kitchen wearing Zoro's big ass t-shirt "God I'm starving". You grab leftover pizza from the fridge and eat it cold. You can't stop thinking about Zoro and Sanji. You want to see them again. Both though? Is that weird?? You lay down on the couch staring at your phone. Fuck it. You make a group chat with both of them in it.

i hope you guys aren't busy tonight

Absolutely not beautiful, what's up?

shut up sanji

y/n i'm free 😉

Make me, bitch

👁👄👁 i would like to see it


My place at 7 y/n? I'm a fantastic chef, I'll make you something special.

or you could hang out with me y/n.

Remember what I told you this morning Zoro.

time skip 6:00


I hear a knock at my door, "Shit she's here early, dinner isn't even ready". I run to the door and open it to see Zoro. "Well well look who actually showed up, early too? You must really like me Roronoa" Zoro's face turns red, he tries to hide it by quickly walking past me into the house. "That's not funny", he mutters. He sits down on the couch, "I'm just not going to let you have y/n to yourself". I walk over to the couch and lean over Zoro, putting my hands on either side of his head and put my lips close to his ear, "I've seen the way you look at me Roronoa, don't act like a fucking idiot".


I feel my body heat up and my heart beat double. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?", I forcefully push Sanji to the floor and ball my fist over him. "Hit me" Sanji said with a smirk..."shut me up"'.

I swing, but Sanji catches my fist, flipping me over on my back. He firmly places his hands around my throat, choking me. My cock begins to harden and twitches...why exactly? I have no idea. Sanji reaches his hand down, keeping one tightly around my throat. How is this scrawny chef so strong? Suddenly his hand is feeling my clothed member and it twitches again. "Damn moss head, that's all it takes? You're a freak" Sanji remarks. "What the hell am I doing?", I think, before grabbing Sanji's wrist and pinning him down. "Don't fucking touch me you slimy cook, it's disgusting"

Sanji chuckles, "Your cock says otherwise, but I need to finish up dinner, so sit your ass on the couch and shut the fuck up." I let go of Sanji's wrists and he grabs my face, and next thing I know his tongue is exploring my mouth. I kiss him back and he pushes me off, "Like I said I have to finish dinner". He looks at my pulsating bulge, smirks, and walks back to the kitchen. I sit on the couch and throw my head back catching my breath. What in the hell just took over me? I guess tonight's going to be interesting. Sanji is in the kitchen cooking and it smells so good. I close my eyes and just try to calm down from what just happened. There's no way I just kissed Sanji, and why is he acting so fucking weird? And why the hell do I have a boner? I laid there for a while relaxing, until I heard a knock on the door, I shot up and make eye contact with Sanji. "Looks like our little play thing is here" he smirks. "What the hell has gotten into you cook" I remark.

𝕪𝕖𝕤, 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣    [zoro x sanji x reader]Where stories live. Discover now