Chapter 1

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"Billionaire businessman Malcom Merlyn's son, Tommy Merlyn, returned today after he had been missing and presumed dead for 5 years."

Oliver fidgeted in his seat as the radio announced the return of his best friend.

"Do you think he'll be-" Oliver trailed off.

"It's going to be okay," Laurel insisted as the car moved another inch in the traffic, "He's still Tommy. It will take him time to get re-acclimated, but he'll be fine with time."

"I know," Oliver sighed. "Where has he been for 5 years? How did he survive the wreck? What happened to Sa-"

He broke of this time as Laurel's face hardened.

She swallowed around the lump in her throat, "maybe not ask him any of that straight away."

The car pulled into the parking. The doors unlocked but Oliver made no move to get out. What would he say to Tommy? He'd been like a brother to him before he disappeared. How could Oliver be sure that the person in the hospital was the same person that left five years ago? Maybe it was unfair of him to expect Tommy to be the same.

"Ollie, come on." Laurel's voice broke his train of thought.

Oliver rubbed his index finger against his thumb. A nervous habit.

Laurel put a hand on his shoulder,"it'll be okay," she said again.

Tommy had no close relatives left. His father died in the wreck. His mother died when he was a child. Oliver was the closest thing he had to a family. It was no surprise to find out that no one had been in to see him.

Laurel remained outside as Oliver stepped into the room. Tommy was pulling on a hospital shirt. Oliver's eyes quickly trailed over the many scars on his body. Those hadn't been there before. Neither had the tattoo.

Tommy turned around slowly, as if the healed over marks still hurt. His lips quirked into the smallest of smiles.


A/N: The punctuation could be a little off. I'm not a native english speaker. This story was requested by @emilyramsey1445598 . This is the first chapter. I'm hoping you like it. If anyone knows who the cover art belongs to, let me know
Peace out

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