(Kenny McCormick) Mine and Only Mine

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I pursed my lips as I wondered about what I could wish for. Once figuring one out, I closed my eyes and gently blew the eyelash off his finger. "What did you wish for, (F/n)?" Token asked me.

"I hope it's something Star Trek related. You can never go wrong with Star Trek things," Kevin piped up.

I chuckled at the ebony haired boy. "Sorry, Kev. It's not Star Trek related. And I can't tell you guys what I wished for! Or it won't come true."

"Aw, well I hope your wish will come true!" Butters input that adorable toothy smile on his chubby face.

I couldn't help but smile along with him. Butter's optimism was always refreshing to hear, mostly when you live in the small, mountain town of South Park. Inside, I wanted my wish to come true too. Even as I have my suspicions on things, I want to be completely sure

Class ended thirty minutes later and it was time to head over to lunch. I walked along with Eric, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny to the cafeteria. The blond kept an arm snaked around my shoulders as I had one arm gripped onto his torso. Just as we were about to enter the cafeteria, Craig stopped us.

"Hey, do any of you know where Clyde is?" The blue hatted boy asked us in his usual monotonous voice, but this time his tone was a little off. I could tell that he sounded a bit worried for his friend.

"I've actually seen him before my English class to lend him notes," I answered him. "Is he not returning any messages?"

"No, he hasn't," he grumbled out. "I don't understand. First Tweek hasn't been around and now Clyde?"

"Tweek's still gone?" Stan questioned with mild surprise. "I didn't think he'd miss three days of school in a row."

"He usually wouldn't." Craig scratched the back of his neck and let out an irritated sigh. As much as he's trying not to show it, I knew he cared deeply for his group. With two of the four of them missing, that must be stressful. "Forget it. But if either of you see Tweek or Clyde, let me or Token know."

"Of course, Craig," I replied. I gave him a reassuring pat on his shoulder. His stormy eyes locked with my (e/c) orbs for a brief moment. Was he blushing? Wow, it looks really cute on him!

All of a sudden, I was tugged along into the cafeteria without saying a proper goodbye to Craig. I glimpsed up at Kenny, wondering why he was being so rash. Once realizing that I was staring at him, he shot me his famous, dazzling smile. "Sorry, but that was taking too long. I'm starving!"

I chuckled at the freckled boy. "Fine, fine! Let's go." We entered the long lunch line to get our daily, crappy food. Soon after, the rest of our posse joined us. "Did Craig mention anything else to you?" Eric looked like he was trying to hold in laughter over my question. Kyle and Stan exchanged glances before looking back at me. "What is it?"

Stan was the one to answer me. "Craig wanted us to pass the message if you wanted to hang out some time."

I froze, my face flushing at my friend's reply. "W-Wait, South Park High's bad boy wants to hang out with me?"

"Hell yeah, he does!" Eric burst out, obnoxious snickers leaving his lips. "How does it feel to be able to give Mister Boring a stiffy?"

If I wasn't red before, I was an absolute cherry now. I smacked Eric's arm for his annoying behavior. "Oh my god, shut up, Cartman!" I hissed out. My (e/c) eyes dart over to Kenny next to me. I could feel the ominous aura that was radiating off his body. "You ok, KenKen?"

It was instantaneous, his expression lightened at the tone of my voice. "Of course! Hey, you're still heading over to my place after school to tutor me, right?"

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