Animal Control!

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 One day the dogs went to visit the wolves. They reached their cave. The dogs loved the town so much that they just kept talking about it to the wolves. The wolves thought it was exciting, and asked the dogs to take them to town. People were very scared seeing the wolves and a girl with a pink dress and a yellow hat named Raya called the animal control! Seeing the animal control truck, the dogs were so scared they ran away forgetting the wolves. The wolves asked what happened? The dogs screamed Animal control! But it was too late, the animal control caught the wolves. The dogs were very sad because they were their only best friends, so they decided to help them. They chased the truck. They were very tired, but they did not give up! They finally got there! They had a plan They sent a black dog named Toffy to distract the animal control. Toffy knew she could do it, as she was very fast. While Toffy distracted them, the other dogs let out the wolves. Toffy returned. The dogs were very happy! The wolves thanked the dogs. And they lived happily ever after!

The tale of Wolves and DogsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora