"U-uhm.. Heeseung hyung and Sunghoon hyung, we'll go now" Jungwon said as he stood up, pulling Jay to make him stand up as well.

"Yeah, see you later at the dorm" Heeseung replied. Sunghoon just waved at them and continued eating silently.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom. Don't leave and wait for me here" Heeseung said and stood up. Sunghoon just glanced at him and nodded.

"Here's your water" Heeseung placed a bottled water in the table before leaving. Sunghoon took the water bottle, it has a sticky note on it. He looked at the letter and smiled.

"Stay hydrated, babe. I love you, I miss you :("

He drank the water and wrote something on the sticky note. He wants to go back to the classroom but also wants to wait for Heeseung so he did.

After a few minutes, Heeseung came back. Sunghoon got confused when he saw Heeseung panting a little bit. He handed the water bottle earlier and let the oldest drink it.

"What took you so long?" Sunghoon asked, brows furrowed.

"Another girl followed me. She said she wants to be friends with me but I declined" Heeseung said after drinking the water.

"Why did you declined?"

"Coz I don't want to be friends with her. She's like the other girls"

"Oh well, good decision, then. By the way, I'll go to the classroom now"

"Wait, Hoon. Can I bring you there?"

"Yeah, sure" Sunghoon shrugged, walking away. Heeseung quickly followed him and stay beside him.

They're both quiet on their way to Sunghoon's classroom. When they reached the classroom, Sunghoon faced Heeseung and put the sticky note on his forehead. The younger leaned closer and whispered something on Heeseung's ear.

"Don't let the girls touch you again, tell me if they do and I'll talk to them"

"Y-yes, noted"

"Hmm, I'll go inside now. I love you" Sunghoon pecked Heeseung's cheeks and quickly went inside the classroom.

Heeseung is still dumbfounded. He removed the sticky note from his forehead and read the letter on it.

"Stay hydrated as well. I love you too, I miss you too. Let's talk later :)"

Heeseung smiled when he saw what's in it. He happily walked towards their classroom. He didn't mind the girls that's calling him. He's just staring at the note and making himself happy at the thought that him and Sunghoon will be fine soon.

Jake almost searched for Engene in the whole entire campus. He was about to give up when he saw Engene being pulled at the back of the school. Jake quickly and quietly followed them.

Jake didn't noticed Sunoo and Ni-ki following him as well. When the two noticed that Engene was with the bullies, they immediately went back inside to call a teacher.

"I told you to stay away from Jake, right?" The girl asked. It's Choi Jina. She's with the other bullies. There's two guys standing on the corner, they're with Jina.

"Y-yes" Engene answered with a shaky voice, scared that he'll get beaten up again.

"Then what did you do?! Did you follow me?! You keep on hanging out with him! I told you, he's mine!"

"How can I do that when I love him?! You think it's easy?!" Engene exploded and shouted back. He regretted it immediately.

"You're talking back now, huh? Boys, beat this ugly thing up!" Jina said. One of the boys walked closer to Engene and gave him a punch on the face.

Jake was about to rescue Engene but someone pulled him, stopping him. It was Ni-ki.

"Let the teacher handle them, hyung"

"But, Engene-"

"Don't worry" Sunoo said. A teacher followed them and shouted.

"Hey! Stop that!" It was Mr. Kim Taehyung. He's scary as hell when he's mad. He's with Mr. Min Yoongi.

Jake's eyes widened when one of the boys covered Engene's nose with a handkerchief. Engene fainted because of the smell, leaving him on the ground. The two teachers got the students and pulled them away while Jake ran towards Engene and carried him.

"I'll go to the clinic, follow Mr. Kim and Mr. Min" Jake said. Sunoo and Ni-ki nodded. The two of them followed the teachers and bullies inside the office.

Jake ran as fast as he can. He arrived in the clinic in just a minute. He laid Engene down on the clinic bed while the nurse is checking Engene.

"Will he be okay?" Jake asked, obviously so worried.

"He will, don't worry. He'll wake up after a few hours, he fainted. Would you like to stay with him?"

"Yes, I want to"

"Okay, then. I'll tell this to your teacher. What grade are you in?"

"12. Please tell this to Mr. Kim Taehyung and Mr. Min Yoongi, they're in the office" Jake said politely. The nurse nodded and went out of the room, leaving Jake and Engene inside the clinic.

Jake's face softened when he saw a bruise on Engene's arm and a scratch on his lips. Maybe it's because of the punch the boy gave him. Seeing Engene like this makes Jake mad. He wanted to talk to those bullies but he's afraid he might do or say something wrong.

Jake sat on the chair beside the bed. He quietly held Engene's hand and stared at him. There's one question in Jake's head that startled him.

Do I like him already?

Jake thought. He shrugged it off and focused on Engene.

Five minutes later, Jake heard a knock on the door. He didn't bother to open coz he's busy staring at Engene. When Jake heard the door opened, he looked behind and saw Mr. Kim Taehyung.

"Oh, hi Mr. Kim" Jake stood up and lowered his head to give respect. Jake is standing up but he's still holding Engene's hand.

"Hmm, hello. How is he?" Mr. Kim asked as he walked towards the two student.

"He's good, he fainted but he'll wake up later" Jake answered, his voice full of respect.

"That's good. I'll let you stay here with him"

"Thank you so much, Mr. Kim. Anyways, what will happen to those bullies?"

"The four girls are suspended while the two boys... Well, the principal wants to expell them, they've done a lot of bad things inside the school already"

"Isn't that too much? I mean, the expell thing"

"No, it's not. They always cause trouble, one of the students before committed suicide because of them"


"By the way, I'll go now since the class is about to start. Just call me if you have any problems"

"Yes, Mr. Kim. Thank you soooo much and I also want to thank Mr. Min Yoongi"

"Yeah, anytime!" Mr. Kim Taehyung said and waved at Jake before closing the door.

Jake sighed and sat at the bed, holding Engene's hand tightly.

"Yah, Engene, wake up already. It's just hours that I haven't heard your voice but I miss you already" Jake said while caressing Engene's hand.

"Come on, Engene, wake up. The nurse said you're fine but I'm still worried" Jake added. He didn't get a response coz Engene is still sleeping. The thing he smelled earlier was too strong so it'll affect him more.

"I guess I have to wait for you *sigh* but please wake up soon, my Engene" Jake said softly and planted a kiss on Engene's forehead. He sat at the chair again and put his head on the bed to take a nap while waiting for Engene.

Author's note:
I badly want Jake and Engene to be in a relationship already gawd I think they'll be having a relationship soon uwu wait for it.

Anyways, I hope y'all like it! Don't forget to vote! I love you all! =)

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