paid partnerships

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It was a typical Sunday morning in the Veneracion household.

Ian was on his guitar in their music room while Lea was still fast asleep. He would have loved to remain snuggled in bed with her all morning, but he is a morning person by heart, and it was already 10 AM. His mind would not allow him to remain idle in bed for another hour.

Lea had a masterclass last night that ended at five in the morning, and so he knew she wouldn't be up until noon (he'd slip back into bed before then so his wife would wake up in his arms, it had become their norm).

However, that wasn't the case this morning when the said wife barged into the room with a juice-filled glass on her right, a pr bag on the left, and furrowed brows gracing her features. He got up right as Lea sets the glass down on the table in front of him.

"Good morning, love. Ang aga natin today ah?" He said as he enveloped her in his arms. It wasn't early, but still, it was earlier for the night owl that is his wife.

"Mamaya nalang the lambing, please?" She clicked her tongue, pushing him away. He didn't let up, though, and Lea's 5'2'' and a half (we must never omit the half) had no fight against his 6'1''.

"Ian." Her tone was enough for him to loosen his grip and eventually let go of her. He towered over her in the physical aspect, but one word was enough for him to stand aside—a softie, for sure.

"What's wrong, Lei?

"This PR package kasi came like two weeks ago pa, tapos today dapat yung deadline of the ad thing eh I forgot about it and now—" she groaned as whatever she was fixing on her phone wouldn't cooperate.

He held onto her forearm, rubbing it gently in an attempt to calm her down. "It's only 10 in the morning, and we have all day. Plus, I can help you. What do you need me to do?"

"I have to take a picture of you lang with the juice, and then a separate shot of the package, tapos post it on Insta."

"Edi wala pala tayong problema!"

She rolled her eyes at him. "Didn't I just say na today is the deadline, and I had two weeks to do this, but now I only have a few hours? It would be so irresponsible if we post it tonight pa tapos hindi na peak hours for Instagram clout."

"Your asawa is photogenic naman, eh! Baka isang take lang nga, we're done na agad." She continued fiddling with her phone, an adorable pout adorning her lips.

Even in her various states of distress, she always took his breath away, and he couldn't help but lean down and give her a peck. He was waiting for her to push him away, but instead, she melted into their kiss, tiptoeing to allow for them to be closer. She only needed one kiss to calm her down.

Or, in other words, marupok din pala.

When they pulled away, he cupped her cheek and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Come here," he took her hand in his as he led them to his usual seat, Lea positioning herself on his lap. "Relax na love, kaya natin 'to."

She nodded, resting her head on his chest, still very sleepy and ready for her husband to be the superman that he is and save her from this. "I'm so freaking irresponsible," she sighed.

"None of that. Ad lang pala, ano ba ganto lang 'yan, may naisip na agad ako." Lea looked up at him while he talked animatedly, urging him to continue. "So yung camera nakaharap sa door, tapos you'll open it while holding the juice, and your line will be 'good morning, love!' Ganun. Sabihin mo nga, let's practice,"

She giggled at his idea. "Patawa-tawa ka diyan, we don't have all day. Say your line, love."

This was silly and uncalled for, but that's what she loved about him, and so she played along. "Good morning, love!" She followed it up with a kiss on his cheek.

An extremely flustered Ian looked to her as if he were robbed, "Wala 'yun sa script ah!"

"Nagrereklamo ka?"

"Hindi." She pinched his nose and asked for him to continue with his idea. "So, anyway, I'm going to be here in this chair. Tas may prop na guitar, kunyari I'm lounging around lang when you come in, tapos you'll hand it to me, and then I'll think of a line to endorse the product."

"Eh, how will it end?"

A smirk appeared on the cocky man's face, "siyempre, we're looking for clout diba?" Lea nodded. "Edi, you'll come in the frame tas you'll say something like, 'paano ba 'yan, pogi asawa ko eh', then we'll end it with a kiss. Maraming hits yun for sure," He wiggled his eyebrows which earned him a playful slap from the wife.

His response was a low chuckle that made her heart lurch. It was crazy how her husband knew all the right things to do and say amidst her meltdown. And what he said earlier was right, ang pogi talaga ng asawa ko.

Before any of them knew it, she was wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

"Practice?" He asked through parted lips; she didn't respond, only closed the distance between them once more (he could never resist her).

Before it could go further, he put distance between them. "Paano na yung short film natin?"

"I only need one photo and photogenic naman asawa ko." She muttered quickly before pressing her lips to his once again.

What was left of the morning was spent with languid kisses and sensual touches. Now, this is a better way to usher in the morning. 

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