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The next day after that fight with her friend, Sofia went and help her sister Amber peel apples at the school's cafeteria. Leona is also helping them.

"It's just not right, he's manipulating her and she's just not seeing it" Sofia said which is very upsetting.

Leona just looked at Sofia with a concern look, "Why would he do that?" she asked.

"I don't know, but it looks like he just wanted everything to look perfect for Rara, uh, I mean-Countess Coloratura" Sofia replied as she continued peeling the apples, "I'm glad, aunt Tilly brought the Apples for Amber" she said.

Leona nodded in agreement, but Amber looks stressed.

"Enough talking!, More peeling!!!" she exclaimed as she continued peeling the apples.

Sofia has had enough of this nonsense, "I'm sorry Amber, but there is no way I'd let that lousy Henry Bardick use my friend like that" Sofia said as she left Amber and Leona behind.

Amber just groaned and fainted out of hardwork. Leona saw this and tried helping Amber out.

After that, Sofia arrived at the venue and went up to Countess Coloratura who was on stage getting ready.

"Countess Coloratura!" Sofia called.

Countess Coloratura was surprised, "wow, Sofia, you said my real name" she said happily.

Sofia corrected her, "I said your new name" she said, "but I saw the real you hanging out with the kindergarten students yesterday, and I know somebody I'd prefer if you stop doing those little events" she told her.

Coloratura just groaned in annoyance, "uh, not this again" she said looking away.

Sofia tried to reason with her, "Come on Rara, you just have to give me a chance to prove to what I'm saying is true" she said.

"And just how are you gokng to do that?" Coloratura asked

Sofia smiled, "Just do exactly what I say, we'll see if that Henry Bardick truly has you best interests in heart" she suggested to her.

Countess Coloratura doesn't know what to do, but she wanted to know if her friend is saying the truth. So she listened to Sofia about what she's going to do.

A few minutes later, eveyone is putting on the final touches while Countess Coloratura is searching for her manager.

"Henry?, Henry, where are you Henry?" she called out looking for him. Just then Henry came in hearing her call.

"Here I am, do you need something?" Henry said and asked.

Coloratura is nervous to say but she tried her best to tell what she needs, "Yes, I was considering, maybe cancelling the contest with the kindergarten students" she told him.

Henry Bardick was surprised but very glad to hear what she said, "Countess, this is wonderful!" he beamed, "I've been eaiting forever for you to cancel that pointless contest" he added feeling relieved.

Countess Coloratura was surprised, "you have?" she asked nervously.

"you do it at every charity event and does absolutely nothing" he pointed it out, "it also does nothing to promote the Countess Coloratura image that I built, considering cancelled" he added.

Just then he called out someone, "Amber Cordova!"

Amber came running in and she is all messy, including her hair, "Yes? Henry Bardick, Sir?" she asked and started coughing.

Henry turned to her, "We are making some adjustments to the show, follow me!" he said as he and Amber went to the back stage to discuss.

Coloratura turned to Sofia who nodded and gave Ms. Merrywhether a signal who turned small and flew to the backstage and started recording the conversation secretly.

"Cancel the contest for the kindergarten students and schedule me a spa treatments, now I don't have to oversee a rehearsal with those brats!, now time for the works" he said confidently as he turned to Amber with a demanding look, "you know the drill, deliver, or the diva ditches you dippy charity!" he said as he suited himself up and went back to the stage.

"Okay Countess Coloratura, all taken care of" he said with a proud smile, but then Ms. Merryhether magically showed everyone the conversation which shocked everyone, especially Coloratura.

"So that's how you've been managing things?" she asked.

Henry was shaken but tried to defend himself, "yeah, so, what' the problem?" he asked with a concerned look.

"The problem is you've been using my name to intimidate people to get what you want!" she said angrily.

"But I work very hard for you, I deserve everything I get" he said feeling betrayed.

"But not because you were scaring people into thinking I won't perform in their charitys otherwise, I would never do that to my fans" she told him, "and not only that, you are talking to a princess and forcing her to bring the things you demanded to her!" she said angrily.

"but-" Henry tried to speak but Coloratura cut him off, "no buts!, and you should've known that I would never cancel the Kindergarten student's contest!" she told him.

Henry Bardick just huffed in annoyance, "Hmp!, all this charity and student contest nonsense is just remnant to that boring little Rara I met back in Las Rosale!" he said rolling his eyes.

"You clearly don't understand the real me!" Coloratura said as she took off her veil.

"That's a joke, I made you somebody, what can you even do without me?!" he asked menacingly, "goodluck Countess Coloratura! goodluck" he said as he left everyone at the venue amd flew back to where he belongs.

[Book 11] Sofia The First: A Star is BornWhere stories live. Discover now