"What's up?" he asks.

You shrug. "Uh, just getting drunk. This is a party, you know," you say, gesturing around you dramatically at the people milling around with red plastic cups in hand.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I know. Who's idea do you think it was?"

"Oh, silly me, should've known you were behind this," you say sarcastically.

"I'm always behind the biggest parties," he says with smirk. "So, how's school? You're at NC State, right?" he asks.

"Yeah," you say, surprised he knows that. "In Raleigh."

"I'm at Duke! Research Triangle neighbors," he says with a laugh.

"Great, neighbors," you say dryly, taking a long drink. "So glad to know that even when I'm on the mainland, the worst part of home is still only minutes away."

"I'm the worst part of home?" Rafe asks with a smirk. "I figured it would be James."

"What do you know about James?" you ask, genuinely curious about how he might know your business.

"I know he cheated on you," he says casually. "Which, by the way, is super shitty of him."

You scowl at him. "What do you care?" you ask harshly.

A flash of emotion you don't recognize takes over his face before it goes back to his usual cocky smirk. "I don't really. Just saying that cheating on someone is pretty shitty. No one deserves that. Even someone like you."

"Oh, someone like me? What is that supposed to mean?" you challenge.

He laughs. "Um, well—"

"Rafe!" a voice bellows from behind him, cutting him off. You look past Rafe to see Topper Thornton, his best friend, walking over.

"Top, hey man," Rafe says as Topper approaches.

"I thought you were getting a refill and coming right back," Topper says.

"I am," Rafe replies. "Just stopped to talk to y/n for a minute."

Topper looks you up and down before giving Rafe a look. "Hmm, right. Well, wrap it up, you're up in pong soon," he says after a pause.

You roll your eyes. "Well, this was an unproductive conversation. See you around," you say as you start to walk away.

"Wait, where are you going?" he asks.

"To find Allie," you say, stating the obvious.

He nods. "Oh, right. Later, I guess."

"Yeah, later," you respond, waving him off. Why on earth Rafe approached you, you had no idea. You're shaking your head to yourself as you search the beach for Allie.

"Why were you talking to Rafe?" Allie asks when you literally bump into her a few minutes later.

"He approached me," you tell her. "Just made small talk."

"Since when does Rafe make small talk with you?" she asks, the doubt written all over her face.

"Beats me," you say with a shrug.

She laughs. "You two have always made me laugh. I almost hope he gets drunk later and acts like a jackass so you can yell at him for it," she says. She takes a thoughtful sip of beer and looks off in the distance. She immediately frowns. "Shit, it's James. Incoming," she says, turning away slightly. "Act natural."

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